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When Avneet asked him Siddharth told him that it is a surprise for her but it is an outfit that is very clear as Siddharth bought it from a outfit store.

Avneet : okay.

She yawn..

Siddharth : you can rest for a while because right now I even want to make your surprise ready.

Avneet : no I am not feeling sleepy.

Siddharth : you are feeling sleepy.

Avneet : uhm..

Siddharth : yes you are Avni, (a pet name given by him) you must be tired from the journey so you should sleep for sometimes.

Avneet : avni, even good than my name.

Siddharth blush this time for change when she point it out.

Avneet : aww you are cute my dear hubby. (She hugged him hiding her blush)

Siddharth hugs her back.

Siddharth insist Avneet to go and rest for sometime. Avneet insist him too as he must be tired because he gone through even more bad days and a journey as well like her.

So at last, Siddharth also get ready to take a 💤 nap.

They share bed before, but there is no Line of Control between them today they confess that they love each other.

So sleep cuddling can turn into any love making anytime.

But both of them didn't mind that if it will happen so they both change the clothes and get into the bed.

Avneet laid down besides siddharth, the firsts are tough always.

Siddharth looked at her and she smiled.

Again Avneet initiate she turn towards him and hug him from side tightly.

Siddharth remains straight for some time.

But at last she lose his patience and turn towards her which makes their bodies locks in the hug they are wishing for.

So tightly as much as they can't even let the air come between them, breathing heavily around each other's neck.

The heat up exhale of breathe making their partners body get more heat.

They didn't know that where it will go in the morning only it is a daylight time, but they are alone nobody have any restrictions on them.

And husband wife are never bound of timeline.

Stay tuned

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