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Siddharth breaks the hug after almost 20 seconds of happy embracement from both sides.

Avneet immediately switch her mood according to Siddharth as Siddharth is looking happy she get happy as well she forget what she was thinking just the minute ago.

Siddharth : I can't explain you how much I am happy today and it is all happen because of you.

Avneet : I am happy seeing you happy sir. But what I did I mean how I am the reason of your happiness?

Siddharth : you made painting for me right I hope it is for me only because I used it already.

Avneet : whatever I do now in my life it is all because of you and for you.

Siddharth : aww thanks.

Avneet : but I want to give that painting to you myself. (Said sadly)

Siddharth : I know you made too much effort but you are effort came in work for me the best.

Avneet : uhm (confuse)

Siddharth : I know you must be confused so let me explain you, sit!!

Avneet sat on the bed, siddharth sit besides her.

Siddharth : actually the gift replaced by the painting you made is for someone special actually it's 25th wedding anniversary of my friend's parents. I went there... I wanna give them something special.

Avneet : oh.. And that painting goes instead of your expensive gift... I am sorry.

Siddharth : hey wait... everything went best Avneet... Listen na.

Avneet : yeah sorry. Continue...

Siddharth : so that painting reach there, they open it and consider their gift from me.... And trust me they were so impressed from that painting. So so much I can't tell you.

Avneet is surprised from this.

Siddharth : everyone there was praising your work considering you a well known artist.

Avneet : ohh... (In low tone said, she is not looking happy with all the admiration Siddharth told her about her art piece)

Siddharth : I thought you will be so happy when you get to know that everyone like your painting. As every artist wants appreciation only.

Avneet : I am not an artist, sir and it wasn't an art piece.. It was my feelings for you. I made it for you only. (Said sadly)

Siddharth : I am sorry Avneet, I can't take the gift back from them... I hope you can understand and I know you my girl you can make it again very easily.

Avneet didn't give damn attention on statement, she is happy when he calls her as "My Girl".

Stay tuned

Target 20 votes

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