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Siddharth arrived.

Abhishek : what the hell are you doing here?

Siddharth : I just want 5 minutes bhaiya I want to say sorry for everything I did.

Abhishek : ohh thank god you realised that you did something wrong.

Siddharth : bhaiya, I don't want to stretch this matter, so I am ready to accept avneet as my wife. (Said in sorry tone of voice)

Abhishek : Hey wait Siddharth, there is no need for your obligation, and who the hell are you to accept avneet as your wife. She is not a sport on whom you give with your choice and get back when you want!! (Angrily)

Siddharth : but bhaiya, I am ready now to take my divorce request back.

Abhishek : it is not needed, and don't worry I am not against your divorce with avneet, you don't deserve my sister so it's better for her to get separate from her.

Siddharth : so why this case bhaiya?

Abhishek : to teach you a lesson siddharth nigam, so get lost.

Siddharth got it, that tomorrow will be more worst than his expectations, as he gonna lose avneet and his all reputation together.

Abhishek told him to leave. But avneet heard all their conversation.

And the most difficult thing for her in her life is to see Siddharth sad.

So she came out somehow to meet siddharth.

Siddharth saw her after 4 days, and since the day Avneet gone from his life, all the happiness gone away with her as well.

Siddharth is hesitate to hug her, but she moves in his arms himself as she wants him more than he wants.

Stay tuned.

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