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Avneet : bhaiya, thank you.

Abhishek : avneet, forget it, you are fine now?

Avneet : yes bhaiya. Even I heard your name only, didi, doctor told me that I am travelling with the car which owned by vaishnavi nigam. And in morning doctor told me that there is Abhishek nigam who filed a case to find me.

Abhishek : sorry my child, you really waited so long.

Avneet : I am so happy that I met my family again. But I didn't remember how I am related to you.

Abhishek : by love.

Avneet smiled on this.

Abhishek : vaishnavi, I will ask doctor and make all the formalities, and we will bring her back to home.

Avneet : home?

Abhishek : yeah your home, our home.

Avneet : bhaiya, promise me this only that I will never go again to my ex husband ever. I am really scared of that.

With this she is about to cry.

Vaishnavi : we promise you, and you are kid my sis, you have to stay long with us, we won't ask you to marry this soon.

Abhishek : yeah vaishnavi is right, you just don't stress you my child, everything will happen with your choice now.

Abhishek came out and talked to siddharth.

Abhishek : siddharth, I don't know what is exactly going in her mind, but right now it is really going to be wrong decision if we tell her anything about your and her marriage.

Siddharth : but bhaiya, she should know that how much I love her.

Abhishek : but you are the only one, who was giving her divorce.

Siddharth : but bhaiya, you know na it all was sorted already.

Abhishek : I know but her situation isn't looks like to understand this complicated situation she had with you in her life.

Siddharth : but bhaiya...

Abhishek : listen, you can see her even go and talk to her, but forget about your marriage until she gets fine, and right now her health is everything to me.

Siddharth : for me too bhaiya.

Stay tuned.

How nigam's will sort it?

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