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I didn't know why they are happy but I am happy that they are happy with my marriage because they really do so many things for me when even my real parents left me to die.

So I am happy for them and even happy for myself for my new life and future but I am thinking and wishing now that my husband will not torture me that much as much my friend getting tortured.

I am not wishing too much I am just wishing that he loves me as well I won't mind if he beats me even on the daily basis.

I get to know that in next 3 days I am getting married. I am little bit nervous.

POV ends

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I know in which society in which privileges in which we live we forgot sometime that what we get

We also thank our God to give us such a beautiful life because really some of the people in this world living hell on this planet only.

On the serious note Avneet is not worried about any violation from his in laws or his husband even she is not trying to ask anyone that who is going to be his life partner

She is happily ready to accept whatever is in her destiny.

But now she is little bit scared but for the relationship she have to make with her husband.

She went to talk to her friend because she know that and she can talk to her.

Avu : good morning Riddhi I want to talk to you. (Happily)

Ridhi (random name) : what happened you are looking so happy today??

Avu : you know I am getting married in next 3 days I didn't share this with anyone till now because I didn't have anyone tell my happiness to anyone but you are my best friend so I am telling you the for the first.

Ridhi : I am not understanding what is good in it why are you happy about this.....

Avu : why are you talking like this aren't you happy for me just think someone really accepted me I am to happy today.

Ridhi : you didn't know avneet this is end of your happiness after this maybe you can't stay happy even for a day.

Avu : I can understand that it is not easy to adjust life after marriage but I can't be the burden on their head anymore. (Their parents)

Ridhi : I can understand what you are thinking. I wish you stay happy ahead.

Avu : think positive everything will be good only I never think bad for someone then why anything bad happen with me

Stay tuned

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