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Whatever just happen in front of eyes of Siddharth nothing can be worst than this to see your love getting intimate with someone else.

Siddharth is not able to bare that pain, he just roll his eyes away he can't able to see.

But honestly his heart broken in the million pieces right now and Anushka didn't have any idea that siddharth loves her that's why Siddharth even can't consider this as a cheating.

Because Anushka always like Riyaz only and if she is doing make out with him there is nothing wrong in it.

But when your heart break you lose the sense of thinking what is wrong what is right we just know that whatever happen with you should not happen.

And the same thing is experiencing bt siddharth for now.

Siddharth rolled his face to the other side and keep on standing there. He is not feeling himself able to move a step ahead.

Just after 2 minutes,

Anushka came out from the corner where they were busy with each other.

She saw siddharth.

Anushka : oh hi siddharth, when you arrived?

Siddharth : I just arrived and looking for you only. (Seems sad)

Riyaz : hii bro.

Siddharth : hii.

Anushka : you both know each other very well right.

Riyaz : Yes, who didn't know The Siddharth Nigam, shark of Business. It is a pleasure meeting you bro you are such an inspirational guy for so many young business start up planners.

Siddharth : thank you.

Anushka : Siddharth I want to tell you something? (Anushka said holding hands of riyaz)

Riyaz just smiled.

Siddharth can understand what she is going to tell him now.

Anushka : actually, riyaz broke up. with his ex girlfriend, being honest she cheat on him. So we decide to date each other. (Said happily)

Siddharth : she cheated on you... but why?

Siddharth know the truth that Riyaz is still dating that girl and trying to double date Anushka as well.

Riyaz : I don't know brother but maybe she was not happy with me.

Siddharth : are you sure?

Riyaz : yes what happened?

Siddharth : better you don't lie to Anushka she loves you don't take advantage of her love.

Anushka : what are you saying Siddharth?

Stay tuned

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