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Siddharth : I won't lie to you bhaiya but Avneet won't feel comfortable sharing room till now. (He lied to make him understand)

Abhishek : I can understand it all happen in hurry in your life, but God must plan this only for you two... so it will be good for you and Avneet to accept the truth, now you two are a couple so live like a couple.

Siddharth : but you know na bhaiya I can't insist her to sleep with me.

At very wrong timing Avneet return in conversation.

Abhishek : let me handle.. (Whisper in his ear)

Siddharth is trapped now

Abhishek : Avneet, if you don't mind I have a request for you.

Avneet : what can i do bhaiya?

Abhishek : actually I am going to use Siddharth's room today. So will you two share room tonight?

Avneet look at siddharth.

Abhishek : he is ready.

Avneet : okay I don't have any issue. (Said with a smile).

Abhishek : you are too sweet.

Avneet : good night bhaiya

Abhishek : good night.

Avneet left.

Abhishek : look how easy was this I solved your problem now, go and behave with her lovingly. And remember this now she is your wife she should be comfortable with you.

Siddharth nodded as he have no options.

Abhishek went to his room, Siddharth is thinking that what to do now.

He is really feeling so awkward right now she don't know how can he spend his night with Avneet when he is thinking to divorce her.

Still he have no choice, he arrives in Avneet's room.

Siddharth : uhm.. Avneet.. I am sorry.. even I don't know that Bhaiya is coming.

Avneet : it's okay.. I really felt so good talking to bhaiya. (Said with her constant cute smile).

This beautiful magical smile always melt Siddharth for a minute. But still there is a long way left to make a feeling for Avneet in his heart.

Siddharth : we don't have any choice we have to share this room tonight. (Feeling so awkward)

Avneet : don't feel awkward, I will sleep on floor, you can sleep on bed comfortably.

Siddharth : no need.

Avneet : yeah.. I think bed is enough for us.

Avneet shows no problems with sharing bed. It was not unexpected why will she show the problem in this.

Siddharth also thought that now when they are in same no reasons to sleep on floor or chair.

Avneet : can i take this side?

Siddharth : yeah sure.

Stay tuned

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