Chapter 42: Movie Night

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*Amy's P.O.V*

I arrived home after being at the prom for a few hours.

Sam and Miguel went to the after party so I took an uber home.

When I entered the house, the family was still here.

"Amy, you're home so soon?" Daniel asked.

"Yeah." I nodded, "I'm all danced out."

"Did you have fun?" Amanda asked.

"I had a bit of fun, I promise."

And with that, I walked to my room and sat down on my bed while also facing Sam's empty bed.

Part of the prom was fun while the other part wasn't.

I felt miserable for majority of the time because I wish I went to prom with Eli. But I'm glad to have danced a bit and enjoy the event with my friends.

Though I'm sure it would've been more fun with Eli.

I left before everyone started to go to the after party so I was able to take one more glance at Eli before I left.

Is Eli going to the after party too?

He might be, I don't know.

With a sigh, I took off my dress so that I can change into pajamas.

Then after I had my pajamas on, I went to the bathroom to take the makeup off and then take my hair out of the braids.

I then proceeded to put my hair in a messy bun.

Walking back into my room, I went on my phone and of course, the first thing I see is my lock screen which is a picture of Eli.

The same one from the beach.

It's still one of my favorite pictures of him and it's making me miss him so much more.

I'm still having hope that we'll get back together one day.

I smiled at that thought of us being a couple again.

There was a message from Sam and it was only her asking me if I arrived home safely.

I texted her to let her know that I'm okay before turning my phone off.

Grabbing my laptop, I laid down on my bed before pulling up One Tree Hill.

I'll spend the rest of the night watching this show.

I clicked on the episode where Brooke, Haley, Peyton, and Anna have the sleepover and a whole bunch of secrets are revealed.

Especially the one where Haley is going behind her husband's back and working with another guy on a song.

It's fine if she wants to work on a song, she just shouldn't lie to her husband about it while he's somewhere else with his brother.

I spent the next hour or so, watching One Tree Hill.

I was in the middle of the second episode before a knock came from the door.

Anthony came in.

"I shouldn't be out of my room but.. I heard you came home early." He said as he walked into the room. "Dad didn't approve of me doing this but I wanted to."

He held out a plate to me.

The plate had chocolate chip pancakes with whipped cream.

He also held a glass that had milk inside of it.

"Wow. Thanks, Anthony." I took the plate and then I took the glass of milk and took a sip of it before putting it on my bedside table.

He smiled softly. "I figured you'll want something to eat and plus, I know it's your favorite."

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