Chapter 70: Anger & Sadness

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*Amy's P.O.V*

The car ride back to our house was different for the both of us.

Sam's eyes were filled with wet and dried tears about something that happened with Miguel. I don't know what happened yet but I just have a feeling that it involves Miguel because she wanted to try and talk to him.

And my eyes were full of anger.

Anger at Tory, anger at the world. Especially anger at myself.

I should've talked to Daniel about that one call when the All Valley was happening because I did earn that point.

It would've given me the second point and then the next point that I earned, it would've meant that I would be the All Valley champion.

But no, that didn't happen. The referee said that Tory was out of bounds.

In which she wasn't because I saw how it happened.

I really should've said something.

We arrived at our house and we entered the household and Daniel and Amanda were in the living room having a drink for themselves.

"You guys are back so soon." Daniel said once he saw us.

"We had a rough night." I said, "We just want to keep it to ourselves right now."

"Do you guys want a cup of tea?" Amanda asked.

"We're fine." I said before my cousin and I walked to our shared room.

When I told my aunt that Sam and I were fine, I just meant that we are fine of not having tea. But we weren't fine at the exact moment. We're both upset and angry about things that happened.

When entering our room, I saw several messages from Eli. He must've sent them while I was driving.

Eli💙: Amy, please talk to me.

Eli💙: I'm worried about you.

Eli💙: Are you okay?

I begin typing a message so that he knows that I'm home safe.

Me: I've arrived home and no, I'm not okay.

While I was on my phone, Sam got busy with changing into pajamas and it made me think that I should do the same because I'm already ready for bed and I wanna forget the shit that I just found out.

I changed into some shorts and then one of Eli's shirts that I stole from his closet.

Once my hair was put into a ponytail, I got into my bed and checked my phone to see if there's any other messages from Eli.

There was one.

Eli💙: I hate knowing you're upset. Do you wanna talk about it later?

Me: Yeah, that's fine. I'll text you in a bit.

Here I thought, this situation with Cobra Kai couldn't get worse. After my uncle got attacked, I thought it wouldn't get worse. But I couldn't be farther from the truth. Because there were just more lies underneath the surface.

Lies that Terry Silver created.

Lies that Tory kept.

Lies that had made my whole family suffer.

Should we fucking have a recap of everything that happened since the All Valley tournament?

The first lie is me losing the All Valley when we all now know that I in fact won.

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