Chapter 19: Our Next Move

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*Amy's P.O.V*

"That's insane." Eli laughed as he ate one of his fries as we were at the diner.

We both got cheeseburgers, as I've promised, and I was telling him about how I helped save the All Valley with Miguel and Sam.

"I thought for sure it was going to stay cancelled at first because the person in charge wasn't messing around."

"From what you told me.." he took a bite out of his cheeseburger. "She seemed really tough."

I eyed him a little. "She was."

He continued to laugh.

"Now that the tournament is back on, it just means we have to continue to train hard." He said and I nodded, agreeing with him.

"My uncle is already training us hard and we just got back into business."

"Is it tough for you?" he asked me.

"What's tough?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Being the niece of someone who's a karate champion. Isn't it like a legacy in your family?"

I nodded hearing his question and tried to think about what to say.

I looked at him. "I guess it is tough. It must be much harder for Sam cause she's the daughter but I'm also the niece. I have that LaRusso blood in me too. It was hard back then but it's not that hard now. I sometimes forget the legacy that I'm apart of. I just know that I don't want to disappoint my uncle."

"You won't disappoint him." Eli shook his head. "I bet he's proud of you."

I smiled hearing that. "Yeah, Daniel tells me that all the time."

"I'm proud of you too."

"How can you be proud of me?" I asked. "We've only known each other for a while now."

"When you'll tell me what you've been through, I can see that you were able to get through that and become really strong. I can tell you've come a long way." He explained with a smile on his face.

I guess he had a point.

He knows a bit about my past so his statements makes a lot of sense and I appreciate it.

"I would hate to disappoint you too." I admitted.

"You could never."

I don't know what I'll be feeling if I disappointed Eli. That thought scares the hell out of me.

"I'm going to be going to the zoo in a few days." Eli then said.

"What? Why?" I asked.

"My sensei needs a new snake."

"What happened to the old snake?"

"You don't want to know." Eli said as he continued to eat his food.

I shrugged that thought off before taking a bite out of my own cheeseburger.

"Maybe one day we can go to the zoo together." I suggested.

"That'll be a lot of fun." He nodded, "I bet it'll be a lot more fun if I was with you anyway."

I smiled at his comment.

"What's Sam doing tonight?" He then asked me.

"She told me that she was going to hang out with Miguel."

"Are they like, you know?"

"Like together?" I asked. "I don't know. I don't know what's happening."

"I just hope she doesn't hurt him again. He was pretty heartbroken after they broke up the first time." Eli looked at me.

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