Chapter 67: Fighting For Myself

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*Eli's P.O.V*

As promised, there's a pizza party happening at the LaRusso household.

The whole dojo is there and we're all having conversations with each other while we have a good time.

I'm currently talking to Amy about the global tournament while we eat pizza. And I can tell how nervous she is.

"What's on your mind?" I asked her.

"Everything about this global tournament." She said, "If I get picked to represent everyone, will I end up letting everyone down?"

"Remember what you told me."

Her eyes turned confused after what I said and I had to elaborate what she once said to me, "Back when we found out about the global tournament. You said you know that you'll do great because I'm in your corner. And I promise to be in your corner. Always."

I was in her corner when we first met, when we first started dating back in December, and when it was the All Valley tournament.

I meant it back then when I said that I'll always be by her side.

We've been through so much together the past almost year and I'm not going anywhere.

"Everything will be okay?" She asked me.

"Yeah." I nodded. "It'll be okay."

She sent me a smile which made me smile back at her.

"Do you know who will be fighting between you and the guys?"

I shrugged. "I have no idea. We haven't talked about it."

"Do you wanna be the one to fight?" She asked.

"If it's me then that's cool. If it's either Miguel or Robby then that's cool too. Either way works."

"A part of me is hoping that it's you." She said, "So that way I'll be able to see you being all hot."

I took a bite out of my pizza slice. "You think I'm hot when I fight?"

"Absolutely." She sent me a grin and it made me let out a laugh.

"And I think you're hot when you fight."

She said nothing as she put her plate of pizza to the side and then she pressed a kiss on my lips. One of my hands went to her waist as I pulled her closer to me and kissed her back.

The kiss didn't last long as we were interrupted.

We pulled away and then saw Miguel and Robby standing there.

"My dad wants to talk to all of us." Robby told me.

I nodded. "I'll be there in a second."

After I watched Miguel and Robby walk away, I looked back at Amy, "This make out session isn't over."

"Call me." She said as she used her hand to pretend it's a phone and I let out a laugh.

"You know, I will." I winked at her before I kissed her real quick and then went into the living room where Miguel, Robby, and Johnny were there.

Just as I started to sit on the couch, I heard Amy's name being called and I saw her uncle standing there.

I'm taking a guess that she's going to be with Sam and it'll be decided who's going to be the one to fight for the female fight.

But now Miguel, Robby and I are gonna talk to Johnny.

"All right boys, we have a choice to make, and it's not gonna be easy." Johnny said, "You're all badass fighters, but only one of you can get on the mat tomorrow. Alright? Hawk's the current All Valley champ. But it could've gone either way. Diaz is last year's champ. That could've gone either way too. Even though Hawk injured Robby in the semis, Hawk didn't have to fight in the semis this year cause Diaz booked it to Mexico."

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