Chapter 52: Finding Myself

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(Pretend Amy is standing in between Sam & Yasmine)

*Amy's P.O.V*

I sat on the couch with Sam in the living room as we watched another episode of Friends.

We were currently eating Uncrustables and earlier, we got a drink at Starbucks.

Are you surprised at this point of what we've been doing?

We've been watching TV all day without a care in the world. This has literally become a daily routine and that was pretty obvious.

Sam has been telling me that Miguel is now home and she's still figuring out how to deal with what's happening.

Trust me, I am too.

"We need to go to the store to get more of these." I said as I finished the delicious food of grape jelly and peanut butter.

A perfect blend of sweetness from the grape jelly and the bit of saltiness from the peanut butter.

"Maybe we'll go to the store soon." Sam said as she took a sip of her Starbucks.

"And usually, I don't like peanut butter." I shrugged that thought off.

And it's true, I'm not a big fan of peanut butter. But on some occasions, I can deal with it and this is one of those moments.

"I'm still trying to understand that." Sam laughed and that made me smile.

While we continued to watch the show, Anthony came into the living room.

"Yo, Sam, Amy, did you eat the entire box of grape Uncrustables?" He asked us.

"There were only two left in the box. Slow your roll." Sam said.

"It's the principle of it. I need comfort food too."

Well, boo hoo.

"Ah, what happened? Did you get pwned in Fortnite again?" I asked him as I playfully whined.

"I mean, actually, I just.." he started to say, "I'm having trouble with this kid from Cobra Kai."

"The one you chased down the hallway and poured milk over?" Sam asked him.

What happened to Anthony now? I have no idea and he doesn't tell me everything. He'll open up to me when he wants to.

"I- I didn't pour milk. We put it in a bag and put it in his locker. It doesn't matter. He's learning some more karate-" He said but then Sam stopped him from saying anything else.

"Oh my God. If I don't hear the word "karate" for the rest of the summer, it'll still be too soon." Sam said.

"The word "karate" should be a bad word in this household." I rolled my eyes.

"Why have you guys been acting so weird lately? Is this cause another one of your boyfriends ran away?" Anthony asked Sam before he turned to me.

"And Amy, is this because you lost at the tournament?"

Sam and I looked at each other and shook our heads.

Anthony just pissed us off.

I hate getting reminded that I lost at the tournament. I don't need a constant reminder and I disapprove of what my younger cousin just said.

Like, I get it. I lost at the tournament.

I already feel bad about losing. No need to make me feel worse about the situation.

Sam rolled her eyes before she grabbed her phone and spoke into it, "Text Moon and Yasmine. "Brunch today? Need to get out of the house. Amy will be coming too."

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