Chapter 62: Joining The Fight

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*Amy's P.O.V*

I arrived at the dojo after leaving Eli's house and I quickly got out of my car.

When entering the back way, I saw that Johnny and Chozen were there, along with Miguel and some other students.

Sam had told me that her and Robby were in the building and Eli is most likely on his way to the dojo.

"Hey, Amy." Johnny said once he saw me. "Are you a part of giving a speech to LaRusso as well?"

"Yeah." I nodded. "I'm going to be in the building with Sam and Robby."

"LaRusso is lucky to have you as his niece. And I know that you've been through a lot too since the tournament and I wanna say that you're one of the strongest people I know."

"Thank you, Johnny." I smiled at him.

I gave Chozen a smile too before I entered the building and obviously, Sam and Robby were already there.

"Hey, you're here." Sam smiled once she saw me.

"I'm here." I greeted her before I became silent once Robby and I saw each other.

The atmosphere around us became very awkward because neither of us were saying anything.

I looked to the ground as I remembered what Robby told me at the tournament.

Remember what I said at the drive in? This is what I mean. This is your downfall.

He laughed about my loss and rubbed it in my face as I cried in Eli's arms. So I'm not entirely sure what to think of Robby at the moment.

Will we be able to get along?

I know Eli will have a hard time getting along with him because Robby was the one who shaved Eli's mohawk off.

The awkward silence stayed there for who knows how long as I tried to avoid Robby's gaze towards me.

He looked sorry though as he tried to form words but nothing came out of his mouth.

The three of us could feel the tension in the air but we knew that it can't stay this way forever.

And Sam thought she would be the first person to stop the tension.

"I can see that you two have a lot to talk about.." she trailed off. "But let's remember why we're doing this and maybe you two can talk it out of whatever is going on. It's better to talk things out."

Robby and I both watched as Sam walked in a different direction to give us space so that we could talk.

But even when it was just Robby and myself, no one said a word. It went back to silence.

I probably have no real reason to be mad at him but would anyone be upset by the fact that someone, who you thought is a nice person, would completely laugh in your face about your failures?

It's not a good feeling.

And it felt like a nightmare was occurring.

"Amy.." Robby said the first word as he let out a sigh.


I swear, this is literally how our conversations would start. It happens every time.

"Look, I know that I've done some bad things in the past.." he started to say, "And I wanna say that the way I spoke to you at the tournament is one of the things I regret doing. It was wrong. I rubbed it in your face and I know it only made things worse for you because of how you were feeling. I should've kept my mouth shut."

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