Chapter 66: Power Couple

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*Amy's P.O.V*

Everyone is at the dojo right now because the three senseis' have an announcement for all of us.

What is the announcement? I'm not sure.

Everyone was waiting to see what Daniel, Johnny, and Chozen would say.

"What do you think the announcement is?" Sam asked from beside me.

"I have no idea." I shrugged.

The students gathered around in front of the sparring deck as Daniel, Johnny, and Chozen stared at us.

"So we figured out Cobra Kai's plan.." Daniel started to say.

"They're going to enter a global tournament that's called the Sekai Taikai." Johnny said.

"It's not about the Valley anymore. It's much more." Chozen said, which caused all of us to look at each other.

"So are we entering the tournament?" Miguel asked.

"We're going to try to." Johnny said. "For now, we just have to demonstrate your guys' skills to these judges and then that'll determine if we'll be in the tournament or not."

"We'll start training for the presentation tomorrow." Daniel said, "We wanted to be able to tell you guys about this before we got started on anything."

"So be prepared." Chozen told us.

"Yes, sensei." We all said.

A global tournament was all that needed to be said. But the announcement made me feel a bit unsure.

We all know what happened at the All Valley tournament.

What if I let everyone down again? I don't want that to happen.

"Are you okay?" Sam asked me.

"I just feel unsure about this right now. I don't want to mess up again."

"You won't, I promise."

I said nothing to what she said before the two of us started to walk over to where Miguel, Eli, and Robby were at.

"What do you guys think about the global tournament?" Robby asked Sam and I.

"If this is our chance to take down Cobra Kai then I'm all for it." Sam said, "We can't have Cobra Kai taking control."

"I agree." I nodded.

"It seems a bit tough though." Miguel said, "Because it is a global tournament."

"It's going to be much bigger than the All Valley, that's for sure." Eli said.

"It's going to be crazy." Robby added.

Months ago, I was just worrying about the All Valley tournament. Now I have to worry about the Sekai Taikai.

"As long as we're able to beat Cobra Kai, that's the great thing about this." I said.

"Cobra Kai is going down one way or another." Sam said.

The three boys seemed to agree with what we were saying.

"Well, Johnny is calling us over to get ready to go." Miguel said, gesturing to him and Robby. "Let's all hang out later or something."

"Yeah, for sure." Eli said before Miguel and Robby walked over to Johnny.

"I'll meet you at the car." Sam said before it was just Eli and I.

"Are you alright?" He asked me.

"I'm just not sure how to feel about the tournament right now. It's just another thing that I have to worry about and I'm scared of how I'll do. I'm scared to mess up again."

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