Chapter 33: Calm Before The Storm

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*Amy's P.O.V*

After five minutes of almost running a red light, I'm on my way to see Eli.

I called him and he told me that we're meeting at the park to have a picnic.

I promise I didn't run a red light.

But I almost did.

Luckily, I was able to stop myself. The rush and adrenaline that was running through me when I hit the brakes. It made me feel out of control.

And I didn't want to be out of control.

I'm still a bit heated after the argument with my uncle.

Now he's the one accusing Sam and I of instigating something at the birthday party.

Why do Sam and I have to constantly repeat ourselves and say that we did nothing wrong.

But it'll be okay if the roles were reversed?

Amanda and Daniel are dismissing what Tory did. It's mostly Amanda but Daniel is giving us a lesson about aggression.

He shouldn't be mad at us for being aggressive.

It's what Johnny is teaching us. We shouldn't be taking Cobra Kai's shit.

I won't apologize for the fact that I love training with Johnny.

Johnny told me that I have to find my own way.

And I'm doing just that. Sam is too.

We can't have Daniel controlling us all the time. We have to do things for ourselves.

That's why I said that I think he's getting in the middle of us finding our way.

But enough about that, I arrived at the park and I found parking before I went to go and find Eli.

I walked down the trail, looking left and right, before finding him on a red and white checkered picnic blanket.

He set out the food already which looked so organized and clean.

He noticed me when he saw me. "Hey, princess."

I smiled, "Hey."

I sat down next to him and looked at all the food that was displayed.

The food was neatly placed - sweet tea, chicken sandwiches, chicken tortilla pinwheels, deviled eggs, macaroni salad, and chocolate chip cookies.

"I'm sorry if it's not all homemade. I only got this stuff before I left school early."

"How did you get out of school early?" I asked him.

"Well.." he started to say, "I just said that it was a home emergency."

"And then you left?"

"Pretty much, yeah."

I laughed. "At least you avoided having a fight back at home."

Eli looked at me, worriedly. "Is everything okay?"

"Sam and I got in a fight with my uncle." I said, "He doesn't like how we've been acting aggressive, doing our own thing. Then he even accused us of instigating the situation at the birthday party with Tory."

I watched as he got silent for a little bit. As if he was trying to figure out what to say.

"But isn't that just part of Johnny's style?"

"Yeah, exactly."

"You're just learning two styles." He shrugged. "I don't see the problem with that. I'm learning Miyagi-Do and I love it."

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