Chapter 31: Matching Hair Colors

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*Amy's P.O.V*

When it was the next day, everyone was in the back at Miyagi-Do. We were all talking about what had happened at the drive-in.

I was standing in between Sam and Eli.

"Henceforth, Miguel Diaz shall be known as The Rainmaker." Demetri said as he waved his hands in a wiggly motion, making it seem like rain.

"El Diablo de la Lluvia." Eli said which made me giggle and Miguel smile.

"Yeah, but if they hadn't fallen for it, we still would've beaten them." Sam said with her arms crossed over her chest.

"I agree." I added in my own comment.

"Maybe, but there were still so many ways it could've gone bad." Miguel said, looking at Sam.

"What could've gone bad?" Johnny asked, walking up to us.

"We were about to get in a gnarly fight at the drive-in, sensei." Eli started to say. "But Miguel saved the day."

Johnny looked to Miguel with a smile. "Oh yeah? How'd you do that?"

"Told the Cobra Kai's to come to the baseball diamond. Just in time for the grass to get watered." Miguel told Johnny.

Johnny didn't look too impressed.

"So you picked a fight, didn't show up and then you doused them with a hose?" Johnny asked.

"Oh, it was sprinklers." Demetri butted in.

We all looked at him.

"I'll go back to saying nothing." Demetri put his hands out.

"You just poked the bear. What do you think's gonna happen?" Johnny asked Miguel even though I'm sure he's asking all of us that question.

"That they're just gonna leave well enough alone?" Johnny continued.

"From everything I heard, it sounds to me like Miguel practiced restraint." Uncle Daniel said, coming up next to Miguel.

"Found a way to get out of a bad situation without anyone getting hurt." Daniel continued. "What did you want him to do, get in a drive-in switchblade fight?"

Daniel turned to Miguel. "I'm proud of you. You've taken Miyagi-Do teachings to heart."

"Okay, LaRusso, we need to have a talk." Johnny said to my uncle.

But that talk didn't happen.

Because then, two people entered the dojo. I recognized one of them being John Kreese. But I didn't know the guy with the silver hair.

Johnny and Daniel immediately had sent us into the building that was at the dojo.

"I wonder why they're here." I said to Sam.

She shrugged. "It could be anything."

Then all of us had decided to go and see what was happening.

Even though, we didn't know what they were talking about.

"Your dad is pissed. Who is that guy?" Miguel asked Sam.

"I have no idea." Sam said.

"Do you know him, Amy?" Miguel asked me.

I shook my head. "Not at all."

"He looks like a Highlander." Bert said.

"The Highlander. There can be only one." Nate said.

Umm what?

We continued to watch their conversation happen but we weren't sure what they were saying.

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