Chapter 21: Absolute Chaos

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*Amy's P.O.V*

And the fighting began.

A Cobra Kai member immediately came at me with a punch but I blocked it before I grabbed his arm and then kicked it.

When he was on the ground, holding onto his arm, I kicked him on the side.

After I finished kicking him, another Cobra Kai member came up to me and sent a punch my way.

This time, I wasn't able to stop it.

The punch immediately hit my nose and I can already feel blood starting to ooze out.

I just shrugged that off and wiped the blood off with my fingers before eyeing the Cobra Kai member.

It was one of Eli's friends.

Doug. I think his name was.

I remember meeting him when Eli's friends ruined our time at the beach.

He sent a kick to my stomach making me go down, and he was going to send another kick my way before I grabbed his leg and pushed it backwards where he would fall flat on his face.

Then I kneed him in the side where he would let out a groan.

I glared at him as he laid on the floor and I looked around the house.

I can see Sam and Tory having a face off.

And Sam's face is full of fear. She's not ready to see Tory yet.

Tory just looked really giddy seeing Sam. Even though my cousin is shaking just at the sight of the blonde.

Yeah, Tory isn't going to give my cousin another panic attack.

"Run, Sam!" I yelled as I went over to where she stood with Tory.

Sam immediately ran away from Tory and that left me with the blonde bitch herself.

"We meet again." She said.

"It looks like it." I shrugged, not bothered.

"Still want to fight?"

I smirked. "I'm always up to fighting a complete psycho."

She glared at me after I said that which just made me laugh.

She went to hit me but with my amazing wax on, and wax off technique, I was able to block any punch she was trying to give me.

Then I kicked her in the side where she went down.

But she immediately got back up and then took me down where I was on the ground.

Because I'm on the ground, she's able to give me a punch to the face.

There were a couple of punches.

I watched as she would pull her hand back for another punch before I grabbed her hand and then pulled her down where her head hits the ground.

I went to kick her but she would roll over, dodging it.

Any kick that I would try to give, she would dodge.

Before she stood up and then kicked me in the side of the head.

My hand immediately went to the side of my head as I'm on the ground.

And Tory looked down on me.

"I think it's about time you have the same scars as your cousin." Tory said as she reached inside of her jacket and pulled out a spiked bracelet.

My eyes widened just seeing it.

That's the same weapon that she used on Sam in the school fight.

"You guys would really be cousins now." She said as she went to punch me.

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