Chapter 71: I'm Just Lucky

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*Amy's P.O.V*

When it was the next day, a group of us met up at Miyagi-Do, including Demetri who isn't working, to talk about the situation about Terry Silver paying the referee at the tournament.

Demetri wasn't at the party last night so this is all brand new information to him and he was definitely learning everything because he didn't have a clue.

But then again, we all didn't have a clue either.

We didn't know about it until last night when Tory told everyone even though she was mostly telling me.

"W-w- wait. Okay, so Sensei Targaryen paid off the ref at the All Valley and framed Kreese for a crime he didn't commit? Never let me miss a house party again." He said as he turned to Eli.

"We need to tell the senseis." Miguel said.

"We can't." I shook my head.

"What are they gonna do?" Sam asked, "We all saw what happened to my dad when he tried to confront Silver. I don't want him getting hurt like that again."

I don't want my uncle getting hurt again either.

"Besides, if this ref and Stingray are on Silver's payroll, they'll never admit to anything." Demetri said.

"I'm not so sure about that." Bert then spoke up which caused all of us to look at him.

Bert then continued, "I know he's in Cobra Kai and I'm in Eagle Fang, but Stingray's still my friend. He wouldn't lie to me. At least, I hope he wouldn't."

"Do you think you can get him to talk?" Eli asked Bert.

Bert nodded.

"Find out where he lives." Sam said.

"Let's go." Eli said as he patted Demetri's shoulder and I followed him, Demetri, and Bert to find out where Stingray lives.

Sam stayed behind with Miguel and I think they're going to talk about what happened last night. I still don't know what happened. Sam hasn't told me anything so it's all a mystery.

Demetri had a laptop and he was already searching where Stingray lives.

"So you think you'll be able to find out where he lives?" I asked Demetri.

"Yeah, it'll be a piece of cake." Demetri said as he typed in words onto the laptop.

It didn't really take Demetri long to find out where Stingray lives. It took about ten minutes but he figured it out pretty quickly. I'm amazed because I don't think I can do that.

"And he doesn't live far so it won't take long to get there." Demetri explained to Eli, Bert and I.

"Then let's go tell Sam and Miguel." Eli said as we walked back to the dojo where Sam and Miguel were still talking.

"We found out where he lives." Demetri said.

"Let's get going then." Miguel said.

Sam and I rode in my car and the boys rode in Eli's car. Sam and I followed Eli's car because Demetri is the one giving him directions to where the address was.

We arrived at the place soon enough and it seemed a bit fancy.

At least in my opinion.

We walked together into the building and got closer to where his door is and that is when Bert walked in front of us.

"I should be the one to arrive at his door first." Bert explained, "He probably wouldn't want to talk if he saw all of us at once."

"That's a good idea." I agreed.

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