Chapter 1: My Cousin Sam

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*Amy's P.O.V*

"Sam can't wait to see you." My Uncle Daniel said as we were in the car and he was driving to his house.

"How is she, by the way?" I asked.

"She's.." he started to say but then paused for a minute. "She could be better, that's for sure."

I heard about the school fight. It seemed like it's been forever since I heard the news but it's only been almost two weeks.

It was all over the news. All over the internet. Every time I got on any social media app, it'll be the first thing I see.

I'm worried for my cousin. I heard of her injuries from my uncle when he called me.

I used to live in New Jersey. But eventually, I'm moving in with my cousin Sam and her family.

Things got rough with my family back at home and my parents thought it would be best if I moved in with my uncle.

Which was fine by me because I love the LaRusso family. Daniel is great, Amanda is so kind, I'm super close to my cousin Sam and my cousin Anthony is fun to be around whenever he feels like hanging out with me.

When I used to live in New Jersey, I would come and visit the LaRusso family every summer. Then when visiting, Daniel would teach me karate.

So now I know the whole aspect of Miyagi-Do Karate.

Self-Defense only.

We made it to the house in about fifteen minutes and Daniel parked out front.

"Just head inside, Amy. Amanda should be in the kitchen. I'll bring your bags in." Daniel told me.

I nodded and got out of the car.

I followed his advice and went right on in. And he was right, Amanda was in the kitchen cleaning.

"Amy! Oh my gosh, it's so good to see you." Amanda said as she stopped what she was doing and came over to give me a hug.

"Hey, Amanda." I said as I hugged her back before we pulled away.

"How have you been?"

"I've been good, yeah." I said with a smile on my face.

"That's great." She smiled. "Sam should be up in her room."

"Thank you." I said before I went down the hallway to see my cousin.

When I reached her room, I knocked on it lightly before opening the door.

Sam was there but she didn't look like the same old Sam that I remembered. The same old Sam that was full of energy and would always wear a smile on her face. I didn't see that at all.

The Sam I see is just laying on top of her bed, staring at the ceiling and acting like she hates the world.

And she probably does after what had happened at the school weeks ago.

"Sam." I simply said.

She turned to look at me and I can see that smile that was on her face. She definitely missed me.

She got off her bed and then came over towards me. Without saying a word, she pulled me in for a hug and I immediately hugged her back.

"I missed you, Amy." She said once she pulled away.

I smiled, "I missed you too. And now we're roommates."

"At least something good happened to me."

She really must been going through a lot and I hate seeing her so upset and defeated.

"I'm sorry for what happened at the school." I started to say as we both sat down on her bed.

There was another bed in her room which I already know is for me.

"You don't have to apologize." Sam shook her head. "You were lucky that you weren't apart of that."

If I was apart of that school fight then I would've helped Sam.

She wouldn't have gotten hurt.

"How bad is it?" I then asked.

Sam said nothing. She pulled off the cardigan that she was wearing and then peeled off the bandage that was on her arm.

I saw the scars on her arm. The scars that someone gave her. Scars that will always be there and be a reminder of what happened that day.

And yes, Sam had told me who gave her those scars.

"It looked bad when it first happened." Sam said as she put the bandage back on. "Now every time I see them, I remember everything."

"Even Miguel? Robby?"

Of course, Sam told me about both of them. We would talk all night about what's happening here in the Valley and she'll mention who she has a crush on.

"Miguel is still in a coma and I can't get a hold of Robby. All I know is that he ran away. He ran away to somewhere where people can't find him." She explained.

"Someone will find him." I assured her.

I'm not entirely sure who will find Robby but whoever does will make sure he's okay.

"You start school in a few days." Sam looked at me. "You start on Monday and that is also when I go back to school since I've been suspended."

"Yeah, that'll be a thrill."

Sam smiled. "We're cousins, we have each other's back."

I smiled back at her. "Hell yeah."

I'm somewhat excited to go to a new school. I get nervous at times but I'm looking forward to meeting new people and of course, being by my cousin's side.

While we were in the middle of talking, Sam's bedroom door opened and in came Daniel with my stuff.

I had a suitcase and two duffel bags.

"Sorry, it took so long. Amanda needed my help." Daniel said as he set my stuff down next to my bed. "Continue the girl talk."

"Thank you, Daniel." I smiled and then he left the room.

Sam turned back to me. "How about we go and get Starbucks and then we can watch movies?"

Starbucks and movies. What a genius idea.

"I'm in." I sent my cousin a smile.

My first day at the Valley is going well so far. What's next?


I thought this had posted ten minutes ago and it didn't so I'm rewriting this again.

This is my Hawk/Cobra Kai story.

I've been wanting to write a Hawk story for a while but I wasn't sure if I'll be good at it. I wasn't sure if I'll be able to write a Cobra Kai story.

I'm not sure how this will go but I'm gonna write chapters for this story and see what happens.

I had a much longer authors note but I can't really remember what I said in the last one.

I hope anyone who reads this chapter enjoys this and can't wait to read more and finds out what happens next in the story.

I hope you all are ready to see what happens in Amy's journey while she's in the Valley, living with her cousin and meeting the one and only Hawk.

Whoever reads this story, thank you for giving it a chance. It means a lot.

I'll try to update this story whenever I can. I don't have a strict updating schedule yet but when I do, I'll let you guys know.

I hope you all enjoy this story.

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