Chapter 61: Till I Collapse

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*Amy's P.O.V*

Since coming back to the Valley, it's all been about Cobra Kai.

It continues to get worse as the dojo continues to expand. It's even more worse now after Uncle Daniel got hurt by the hands of Terry Silver.

I've helped in any way that I can. I'll look after him if Amanda is at the dealership and I'll make him soup if he ever tells me he wants it. He always tells me that I don't have to do this and that I should be doing something fun but I'll tell him that I don't mind.

Uncle Daniel always helped me so now I wanna help him.

We've only been back from Ohio for a few days, pretty much a week. I've already let Eli know that I'm back home but I haven't had the chance to see him because of the situation that Daniel is in.

This Cobra Kai problem is becoming more complicated and I don't know what we'll do.

But right now, I'm in the kitchen with Sam as we pour milk into our bowls as we get some cereal and then Amanda, Johnny, and Chozen are sitting at the kitchen table.

"It's been a week. The longer we wait-" Johnny started to say before Chozen interrupted him.

"We must let Daniel-San heal."

I'll just casually listen to this conversation as I'll eat my Froot Loops.

"Look, Chozen's right. I wanna do something too, but we can't just go after Terry Silver without-" Amanda was saying before she got stopped.

"Dad." Sam said.

We all turned our heads to see Daniel enter the kitchen in a suit. His black eye is still visible from his attack.

"Johnny? What are you doing here?" My uncle asked him.

"Um, figuring out how to make Silver pay for what he did to you." Johnny explained.

"What's with the suit?" Amanda asked her husband.

Daniel sighed. "I can't wear my pajamas to LaRusso Auto, can I?"

"You're going to work?"

"Daniel-San, we need to make plans-" Chozen started to say but got interrupted.

"Guys, I appreciate the sentiment. I do." Daniel said, "But I'm out of this whole thing with Silver. If he wants the Valley, he can have it."

Sam and I stared at him.

"I'm done with karate." My uncle then said.

"What do you mean you're done with karate?" Johnny asked him.

A while ago, I thought I was done with karate too. But then I had that natural instinct at the bar and I knew that I can't stop doing karate. Even though a part of me wanted to quit at first.

"Must not give up." Chozen said.

"I am giving up." Daniel said. "Trying to go toe-to-toe with Silver was a mistake. It almost cost me my family. I'm not making that mistake again."

"Daniel, we're with you." Amanda said. "You don't have to stop fighting."

My uncle nodded. "Yes. I do. I became a sensei to help kids. Instead, I'm making everyone's life worse."

"What are you talking about, man? You did help kids." Johnny said.

"Want me to make a list of how many ways they're hurting because of this, including my own daughter and niece? Why don't you ask Robby how much I've helped him."

Daniel continued talking, "You know, growing up, I never understood why Mr. Miyagi walked away from a fight. But I understand it now. It's not our job to fight the monsters of the world. Not anymore."

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