Chapter 41: Stolen Glances

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*Amy's P.O.V*

I've been at this damn prom for almost an hour and it's the worse experience ever.

I feel like such a loner.

I can see Sam dancing with Miguel while they have smiles on their faces under the flashing, colored lights.

Everyone is having a great time except for me.

I know I promised my uncle that I would have fun but I'm having a hard time doing just that.

I'm on my third cup of punch while I watch everyone dance.

They're having the time of their lives.

Suddenly, I started to feel like Nathan Scott from One Tree Hill.

When he goes to formal and he's waiting for his wife to show up but she's busy recording a song.

And it takes her a long time to show up.

I'm not in a relationship but I feel what Nathan was feeling before his wife showed up where he was having a miserable time.

I knew I should've stayed home.

I could've been watching that episode right now.

Well, I mean, it's not too late. I could leave right now and then watch that episode while I eat pepperoni and sausage pizza.

Maybe I can get Anthony to watch it with me.

Even though uncle Daniel wouldn't approve of that since I'm sure Anthony isn't allowed to watch tv.

But back to prom, I can see from a distance that Eli is with Demetri.

He looks so cute in his tuxedo.

So very handsome.

I'm aware that I've been looking at him for some time and I've noticed that he's been taking glances at me too.

Sometimes when I'll look at him, he'll look away and it'll be vice versa. It's like we don't want to be caught looking at each other.

But we have been caught a few times.

We have had some eye contact a few times.

There's a part of me that thinks that there's a bit of sadness behind his eyes.

He probably wishes he asked me to the prom.

I know I wish he did.

Was he ever going to ask me to the prom?

But either way, here I am, at the prom feeling like a princess and I don't have my prince by my side.

I took another glance at Eli before Sam and Miguel came over to me.

"Hey, I hope you're not partying too hard." Sam teased.

I chuckled. "This punch is refreshing."

"It is." Miguel nodded. "I agree with you."

"We wanted to come over here to let you know that Tory is here with Robby." Sam said and she pointed in a direction.

I looked to where she pointed at and there they were.

They were side by side with each other.

"What are they doing here?" I asked.

Sam shrugged. "I'm more wondering why Robby is here because he doesn't go to the school anymore."

"I don't know." I also shrugged. "It's a little weird."

Why is Robby really at the prom? And with Tory?

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