Chapter 24: Building Bridges

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*Amy's P.O.V*

I've been home for a few hours now. My uncle is somewhere at this moment, I'm not sure where he is.

Sam has been locked in our shared room since we came home after what happened with Robby.

She feels pretty bummed about Robby not coming back to Miyagi-Do.

A part of me feels bummed as well.

Robby being in Cobra Kai doesn't make sense.

It's completely out of the ordinary. I still choose to not believe it.

But I can't really focus on that right now.

I'm still trying to figure out what can make this whole thing work. Since apparently any idea that we're coming up with isn't doing the trick.

I was eating leftover Chinese food before I got a few texts from Eli.

Eli💙: I need you to come over to my house.

Eli💙: I've come up with an idea.

I smiled just reading his text messages. I wonder what he has planned.

I texted him back immediately.

Me: I'll be there soon.

Eli texted me his address before I finished my dinner and then went to put my shoes on.

Just as I was leaving, Sam came and saw me.

"Where are you going?" She asked.

"I'm meeting Eli."

She nodded. "Okay, I hope you be safe out there. Plus, I'm glad you have him and he has you. I can tell that he makes you very happy."

"He does make me happy." I smiled. "I care about him a lot."

"I'm glad." She smiled.

I sent her one last smile before I said goodbye and then was on my way to Eli's house.

When I looked at the address, it occurred to me that Eli doesn't live that far from me.

He lives pretty close.

It took me less than ten minutes to get to his house.

When I parked outside, I saw that there was another car that was here and it made me realize that Demetri was also here.

I walked up to the front door and knocked.

A few seconds later, Eli answered.

"Hey babe." He smiled once he saw me and brought me in for a hug.

I hugged him back as I felt him kiss the top of my head and cuddled closer to me.

"I came here as fast as I could."

He nodded. "I'm glad. Demetri is also here because I needed his help."

Eli grabbed my hand as he led me to the basement where he does everything like play video games and watch movies.

He usually tells me that he's in his basement when he's home.

"Hey, Demetri." I greeted him when I saw him.

"Hey, Amy." He said as he was looking over a laptop. "I'm just checking everything out."

"So what's your idea?" I looked at my boyfriend.

He looked back at me. "Well, I remember how Sensei Lawrence and your uncle had said that talk is cheap and that I've burned bridges with people. So I decided to build bridge."

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