Chapter 59: Bar Throwdown

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*Amy's P.O.V*

It didn't take Jessica long to drive us to the destination where she was taking us.

The five of us had spent the car ride listening to music and talking about how much fun we've been having since we've been in Ohio. It was a fun conversation.

When we arrived, Jessica parked in the parking lot.

"You guys are going to enjoy this place." Jessica said, "It's a lot of fun."

I smiled, along with Sam and Anthony as the five of us started to enter the place. It looked like a bar but it seemed to have been okay for us to be at because other people our age were there too.

"Oh, check it out! Vintage." Jessica said as she pointed to a game and showed Anthony.

He does love his games, that's for sure.

"Right, yeah. They're, um, remaking the old stuff from the 80's." Anthony said as I stood next to Sam.

Jessica laughed. "Sweet, sweet boy. This is no cheap remake. That's the original. Your mom used to play it for hours. Til she got into underage drinking. She even had the top score at one point. Who knows? She might even still have it. Only way to find out is to get on that leaderboard yourself."

"Sure. Sure, yeah." Anthony said, agreeing.

"How hard can it be?" He asked as he started to walk towards the game.

Sam and I looked at Amanda and Jessica before we followed Anthony to the game.

We sat in chairs as Anthony kept his concentration on the game.

Honestly, I wasn't interested in playing so I might as well just stay on my phone for the time being.

Eli might be busy so I'll let him do what he has to do.

Sam went on her phone as well.

Who knows what she's doing on her phone so I ended up being on Instagram for the next while.

There's been a few new posts from my friends.

Moon had a new picture of when she's at the pool and she's in a really pretty, purple and pink, tie-dyed bathing suit.

Demetri posted a picture of himself before he was getting ready to go to work.

Eli even posted a picture of himself and Miguel when they were hanging out with each other.

I haven't talked to Miguel about how he feels about the breakup. Eli told me some bits of it a few days ago but not a lot.

But I know how Sam felt and she's doing okay right now. She's relaxing.

Sam probably wasn't okay at first even though she knew that she needed the breakup to happen so that she's able to find herself outside of karate.

And I guess I can say the same.

I'm trying to find myself outside of karate.

After what happened at the water park, I decided to take a bit of a break from karate to just focus on myself, my family, my friends and my boyfriend.

No karate right now.

As I've said before, I'm okay if I don't have karate as long as I have Eli in my life.

The next while really just consisted of Sam and I being on our phones while Anthony paid attention to the game that he was playing.

"Damn it. The space lobsters have tractor beams? This game is bullshit." I heard my younger cousin say.

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