Chapter 55: A Good Fighter

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*Amy's P.O.V*

I just arrived home from sleeping over at Eli's house and the first thing I see is Sam eating Ramen noddles while watching an episode of Hannah Montana.

"Hey, are you okay?" I asked her and she only shook her head.

She had a sad frown on her face as she kept eating the noodles and paying attention to the TV.

And I'm starting to guess that she's not okay after her talk with Miguel.

I went to the kitchen real quick to get a snack. I had seen that there was a new dozen of chocolate frosted donuts so I grabbed one and then sat down on the couch next to Sam.

"What happened between you and Miguel?"

I saw her let out a sigh as she stared at the ground and kept quiet for a little bit.

But then she said, "We broke up."

"I'm sorry, Sam." I apologized.

A few tears slipped from her eyes and she used her fingers to wipe them away and she looked at me, "I was the one that broke up with him. But I knew that I needed it because I started to feel like karate is taking over my life and affecting everything."

Breakups are hard.

I remember my breakup with Eli a few months ago clearly and that left me devastated for a good amount of time.

I didn't feel like myself and if I had a choice, I wouldn't have continued training for the tournament.

A lot of eye contact was shared between Eli and I whenever we saw each other.

But I believe now that Eli and I are stronger than ever.

We're making each other happy and I'm thankful to have Eli in my life.

"How did Miguel take it?" I then asked as I took a bite out of the chocolate donut.

"As we were talking, I can tell that he became upset by it. But he understood what I was saying and we both said that we can still be friends with each other. I just know that I need time to figure out who I am outside of karate."

"You just need time.." I nodded. "And that's okay."

"I want to know what it's like to not have karate involved in everything that's going on. I know you still have a tough time with karate itself." She said as she looked at me.

"The vision that I had at the spa made me keep thinking that I should stop karate."

"And what do you think you'll do?" She asked.

I sighed and then shrugged. "I have no idea."

Sometimes, I'll try to not think about karate that much. If I'm with Eli, I only focus on him and what we're doing. I always give Eli my full attention.

When I'm alone, karate gets into my mind and it's hard to shake away the thought of it.

Thinking about the tournament is still pretty hard. I wonder how Tory is doing after she got her championship win.

She must feel like she's on top of the world.

"Maybe you can take a break from karate too, just like me." Sam suggested. "Karate hasn't been getting involved nowadays since the dojo shut down and we're mostly home."

"Even though I do miss Miyagi-Do, it does feel nice to not be doing karate right now."

And without karate, it gives me more time with Eli.

But I know that I still haven't made up my mind if I want to continue karate or not. It's nice to not be doing any karate but that's only because we haven't been at the dojo. We aren't training. As Sam said, we're always home and we end up watching tv all day until we go to bed.

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