Chapter 45: Cousin Vs Cousin

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*Amy's P.O.V*

Soon enough, the rest of the Miyagi-Do dojo realized what match was next.

They realized that it was going to be Sam versus myself. It really was going to be cousin versus cousin.

LaRusso versus Dixon.

Two cousins who are Jersey tough. I may not be a LaRusso but I have the LaRusso blood inside of me.

Daniel always told me that I have it and I believe him.

And I'll continue to believe him, no matter the result of this current match.

"Alright, you guys.." Daniel started to say. "You two are going against each other. The ultimate battle. Cousin versus cousin. No matter the result, I'm going to be proud of both of you."

Sam and I smiled.

"Thank you, Uncle Daniel." I said.

"Thanks, dad." Sam said before we both hugged him and then we bowed to him.

Eli gave me a sweet kiss on the lips before Sam and I took our places on the blue mats.

I put my fist out. "Jersey tough."

Sam smiled and bumped fists with mine. "Jersey tough."

We bowed to the referee before bowing to each other. Then the fight started.

With our fists up, we circled around each other, eyeing each other very carefully, wondering who would make the first move.

Then she did.

Sam threw a punch my way before I blocked it with ease, and then I sent a kick her way in which she blocked it as well.

We know Miyagi-Do and we know Eagle Fang.

We know what we're doing.

Then Sam sent two kicks my way but I backed up and then sent her a kick that hit her ribs.

"Point, Dixon." The referee said.

Sam nodded at me and I nodded back at her.

The fight started back again before she sent multiple punches my way but the wax on, wax off technique came in handy. Real handy.

When I went to send her a punch, she blocked it before taking a hold of my arm and pushing it back.

She went for another punch but I ducked and then went to leg sweep her but she dodged out of the way and then out of nowhere, she did the flying tornado kick on me.

I nodded as I held my face in my hands.

"Point, LaRusso." The referee said, "The score is 1-1."

When the fight began, I struck first and sent her kicks, putting her on defense. She blocked my kicks and then sent a kick my way and I kicked it away before going for a punch and she stopped it.

I went for a kick again and she blocked it.

We went back and forth with the kicks and punches, not taking our eyes off of one another.

She went for more punches and I stopped them before pushing her back, catching her off guard, and then sending a kick that hit her torso.

It's no longer tied. It's 2-1.

Sam wasn't messing around when the match started back up.

She sent a fury of punches my way that it was starting to become hard to handle. I'll push her arm back but that only made her come back when she'd make a jump and tried to kick me but I stopped the kick from happening.

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