Chapter 50: Best Karate Still Inside

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*Amy's P.O.V*

"Joey doesn't share food." Joey, from Friends, said on the tv as Sam and I were on the couch, with blankets on us as we were watching the show.

And we also have Chinese takeout with us.

And by takeout, I mean, we got it from Panda Express.

"But Sam and Amy do." Sam said as she then proceeded to put some fried rice onto her plate.

When we got the food, we just got the food containers so that we could pile the food onto plates and not give a shit.

Because that's how it's been the past two days.

Sam and I have basically been doing the same thing everyday. We'll sit in the living room while we watch a tv show and eat whatever takeout that we end up craving that day.

Yesterday, we had McDonald's and chocolate frosted donuts from the donut shop.

Amanda and Daniel have noticed our behavior but they haven't questioned it. Well, they tried to talk to us but we just ended up going into a full discussion about the tv show that we would be watching.

We told them all about Hannah Montana yesterday and Daniel looked at us with a confused look on his face.

See, we don't give a shit.

"Look at them being all happy." I said as we continued to watch Friends, "They're having the time of their lives."

"Lucky them." Sam said as she ate a piece of orange chicken.

"What should we watch next?"

"Maybe we should start watching movies next. We can watch whatever we want."

I shrugged. "Good point."

Sam went to find a movie as I ate a chicken egg roll.

As I was eating it, I was reminded of the chicken egg rolls that Eli and I had when we went to the Chinese restaurant that one time. Do you remember?

I really miss those chicken egg rolls. We should have gone there instead.

"We could watch one of the Scream movies?" Sam suggested.

I grinned. "I love that idea."

Perhaps the spooky season came early this year because so far, this summer break, is already off to a nightmare.

Yeah, the loss at the tournament is still fresh on my mind.

Sam put on the first Scream movie and I got comfortable after I put my food onto my plate with Sam doing the same.

The movie started with the famous opening scene with Casey Becker, portrayed by Drew Barrymore.

Ah, she's such a talent. She's such a good actress.

The opening scene always does a good job at kicking off the movie. There's a reason why this franchise is one of the best in the world.

We watched the movie as we ate the takeout and the leftover chocolate frosted donuts that we got yesterday.

We definitely need to get more donuts.

As the movie continued, we got to the part where Randy Meeks is giving rules on how to survive a horror movie.

"Do you think you'll survive a horror movie?" I then asked Sam.

"I don't know." She said, "What about you?"

"I thought I would've but with how I've been performing lately with karate, I now think I can't."

That's just me putting myself down.

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