Chapter 16: Bananas For You

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*Hawk's P.O.V*

"Are you ready to go?" I asked Amy as she reached my car after school.

"I'm excited." She smiled.

It was actually Friday today and both, Amy and I, thought it would be a good day to go to Golf 'N' Stuff.

I've been looking forward to this day since we've set it up a couple days ago.

Now it's finally happening.

I opened the passenger's door for her. "My lady."

Amy smiled at me before she went into the passenger's seat. I closed the door before walking around my car and getting into the driver's seat.

Starting my engine, I started to drive.

"I haven't been to Golf 'N' Stuff in years so I'm pretty excited." She said but she realized, "Okay, I know I was just there when the dojos were fighting but I meant just playing games and getting prizes."

I smiled. "Then I'm glad that we get to do this. It's going to be a lot of fun."

"Thank you for taking me." She thanked me.

"Anything for you."

I would absolutely do anything for Amy and I'm glad to be taking her to Golf 'N' Stuff.

It's not that far from the school so we made it there in no time. I parked in the parking lot before we both got out of the car and started to walk to the entrance way.

We paid for our admission before we tried to decide what to do first.

"What's the first thing we should do?" I asked her.

"This place is called Golf 'N' Stuff." She said. "Let's go mini golfing."

I smiled. "Alright."

We went to where the mini golf was happening and then we got ready on the first course.

"You first." I said.

Amy smiled before she put her pink golf ball on the ground and hit it. The first hole is always easy so the ball was able to get into the hole and then it was my turn.

I did the same thing as Amy and I got my ball into the hole as well.

"It'll just get tougher from here." Amy said.

"Yeah, for sure."

As we continued playing the game, we weren't really playing how you would usually play.

Normally, people would keep score but neither Amy or myself cared if we won or lost. We just wanted to hit the ball and have a great time.

I went to hit my own blue golf ball into the hole but Amy beat me to it.

"You stole my turn." I pretended to be offended but I just ended up laughing.

"Sorry." She playfully apologized before laughing as well.

I couldn't help but smile at her.

"Let's continue to cause chaos." I said before we continue to play mini golf.

I was having such a great time with her and this was only the first activity.

"That was a lot of fun."

I looked at Amy. "It was. I had a great time."

We just finished playing and we ended up cheating and just ended up putting the ball into the hole with our own hands.

Luckily, no one was behind us when we did it.

"So what's next?" I asked her.

"Basketball is right over there." She pointed.

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