Chapter 72: Differences

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(Pretend Amy is standing between Sam and Tory.)

*Amy's P.O.V*

If you would've told me six months ago that I would be arriving at Tory's place to talk to her then I probably would've told you that you were crazy and I wouldn't believe you.

I still felt unsure about this but maybe it wouldn't be so bad.

Now that I know how tough Cobra Kai is right now, maybe there is a possibility that I can understand more of where Tory is coming from.

So arriving at her place, I took a deep breath and then knocked on her door.

A few seconds went by before she opened the door and she seemed shocked to see me. "What are you doing here?"

"I-" I started to say before I looked down at her hand that was all bruised and bloodied. "Oh my God! What happened?"

"Don't pretend like you care."

I sighed. "Look, I don't wanna be here. But if you're having problems with Cobra Kai, I'd be willing to listen."

Tory gave me a small nod before letting me in and I followed her into her home before I shut the door.

But when I turned around, a shocked expression took over my face.

There were countless amounts of fast food containers on the table and counter, and then when I looked ahead, I saw someone laying in a hospital bed. I really wasn't expecting this.

I don't even know what to say.

Then I looked at Tory, "I know when you first met me, you probably thought I was just like Sam. But while we are the same, we're also different."

"What do you mean?"

"I have a brother, a twin brother. His name is Alec."

It's best for Tory to know something about me. Especially since the time that we have known each other, it's mostly been us using our fists and trying to beat the crap out of one another.

We don't have to keep fighting. We don't have to hate each other.

Sure, a lot of words needs to be said between the two of us but for now, it's best if we were to put our differences to the side.

Since we both have a problem with Cobra Kai. Especially Terry Silver's Cobra Kai.

"That's something I never thought you would say." She said, honestly as she kept using an ice pack to ice her hand.

"It doesn't get talked about often." I said, "Usually only the family knows. But just recently, I told Eli about it. Miguel and Robby seem to know about it too but they didn't ask further questions."

I know Robby didn't say anything about Alec, but I'm sure he heard Miguel question who Alec was when we were at the dojo.

"What happened to your brother?" She then asked, her eyes full of curiosity.

"He died when we were 13 years old. He drowned in a lake when he was with his friends. He tried doing a trick that he saw on YouTube but he slipped and then hit his head on a rock."

Tory looked apologetic. "I'm really sorry about that, Amy."

Who would've thought that Tory would say sorry to me? This is definitely not the same Tory that I met when we were at the arcade last year.

"It's okay." I said.

Obviously, it's not okay because I miss Alec but you know what I mean.

"When I first met you at the arcade last year, I actually did think you were like Sam. But you're not. You're different from her. As you said, you're the same but different. And since you are related to her, I automatically started to have hatred for you. So, I'm sorry for judging you."

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