Chapter 73: Bring It On

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*Amy's P.O.V*

We arrived at the Cobra Kai dojo and we were just leaving the parking lot, walking towards the building.

Eli and I were holding hands as we all walked as a group.

And might I mention, I did notice his blue hair on the way over here.

"You know, I really love your blue hair." I said as I smiled and he looked over at me.

"You do?"

"Yeah." I nodded. "The blue really suits you."

Eli gave me a smile. "Thanks, babe."

I gave his hand a squeeze as the whole group got closer to the building and we all turned towards each other.

"If it's the same alarm system he installed in the last place, I should be able to bypass it." Robby said.

"Spoken like a man that's done this before." Demetri said.

"Yeah, well, karate wasn't my first hobby. I fractured a law or two before we met." Robby told Demetri.

Even though the whole group was listening.

"Or we can just scan my key card." Tory said, walking up next to Robby, "So that those of us on probation keep from, you know, violating it."

"What's happening?" I heard Eli say and we all saw the rest of the dojo arrive.

Chris shook Eli's hand. "What's up, man? Sorry, we're late. Someone took forever to get ready."

We all looked at Penis Breath.

"It's the middle of the night." Penis Breath said.

"What is she doing here?" Nate asked as he saw Tory.

"It's fine, she's with us." I said.

"For what we're about to do at least." Sam added as she turned to look at Tory.

My cousin may still feel a bit uncomfortable about Tory being on the same side as us. But she isn't saying anything about it right now.

"So what are we doing?" Penis Breath asked, "All your text says is that we're gonna take down Cobra Kai. But how exactly?"

"We're gonna show them who their sensei really is. We think we have proof he's a criminal." Miguel answered.

"We're going upstairs to Silver's office." Sam said, "We need you guys downstairs as lookout."

The rest of the group understood what was about to happen and we all entered the building.

Half of the group stayed downstairs while the rest of us went upstairs to figure everything out.

"Okay, so pulling this Stingray clip off the server is like first day of computer camp shit." Eli said as we entered Silver's office.

"Got it?" Eli asked Demetri.

"Yeah." Demetri handed him the flash drive.

"We just upload the clip to the YouTube channel and Cobra Kai is out of business for good."

Demetri sat in the chair as he pulled up the screen.

"Okay. Stingray's assault happened the morning after prom." Demetri said as he began typing in stuff.

I saw Robby disconnect a camera before the whole group went to stand around Eli and Demetri.

"I can't believe it's happening." I heard Tory say to Robby. "We're really gonna take Silver down."

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