Chapter 4: The Color Purple

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*Hawk's P.O.V*

I laughed along with my friends as Assface said something funny. He was telling us about a video that he watched on his phone.

"See you at the dojo, Hawk." Assface said.

"See you later." I said as we went through the front entrance of the school.

School finally finished and I have enough free time before I head to karate practice.

I already can't wait for training.

As I walked towards my car, I heard somebody near me and looked to see the girl that I met this morning.

Amy Dixon.

The girl with the brown hair but also has purple ends. Her hair can literally be identical to Sam's but the purple makes her stand out.

And I thought I was the only one standing out with my red mohawk.

There's something about Amy and I just can't put my finger on it right now.

She's Sam's cousin but to me, in my opinion, she's so much different from her.

She's so genuine, and kind. She has this sparkle in her eye that lights up when she smiles.

And seeing that sparkle makes me smile.

She wasn't quick to judge me like her cousin was. She was super friendly and it reminded me of when I first met Miguel.

Miguel was so nice to me when we first met and we've been close since.

I miss him. I think about him and I can only hope that he'll be okay. I mean, he has to be okay.

What happened to him scared the shit out of me. It made me mad to find out that Robby was the one who kicked him over the railing and he was the one who ran away like the coward he is.

If I have to, I'll get payback on Robby Keene for what he did to Miguel.

And I'm sure my friends would also want to get revenge on the Miyagi-Do's.

But going back to Amy, I do want to get to know her.

And plus, it seemed like she wanted to get to know me.

I saw her on her phone but she seemed to be getting frustrated. She let out a sigh as she stared at her phone.

Curious, I walked over to her. "Hey, are you okay?"

She turned to look at me. "Yeah, don't worry about it."

She didn't seem okay.

"What's wrong, Amy?"

"I'm trying to find a way to get home.." she started to say. "I forgot Sam drove me here in the morning and she left before school begun. I tried to call my uncle but he's busy with something and my aunt is at work."

I studied her to see that she was shifting on her feet. She didn't know what to do or how she was gonna get home.

There has to be a way where she can.

Then an idea popped into my head.

"I can give you a ride." I offered her.

"I can't ask you to do that." She said, sounding unsure.

"You didn't ask, I offered."

"Are you sure, Hawk?"

I nodded. "Positive. I can give you a ride home before I go to karate practice."

She was silent for a couple of seconds, thinking about my offer. But then she agreed.

I smiled and we both walked towards my car. I opened the passenger door for her and then closed it before going to the driver's side.

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