Chapter 68: Jersey Tough

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*Amy's P.O.V*

Arriving at the Cobra Kai dojo gave my whole body chills.

It didn't even look like a dojo since it looked so fancy. But then again, it's Terry Silver. He likes to throw his money around and get everything he wants.

We already know how his mind works. I mean he attacked my uncle when I was in Ohio with my aunt and cousins.

With Eli by my side, we both walked behind Daniel, Johnny and Chozen as Sam and Robby were behind us and then we had the Eagle Fang students behind all of us.

I looked around at the dojo before looking at Eli who shared the same look as me.

I mean, the dojo was impressive but I wouldn't join Cobra Kai. I love being in Miyagi-Do.

"Are you ready?" Eli asked me.

"I'm ready." I said as I gave him a determined look.

"You're going to do great, I promise you." He assured me as he put his hands on my shoulders and I gave him a nod.

I smiled. "I have you in my corner. I know I'll do great."

He sent me a smile back before he gave me a soft kiss and I kissed him back briefly before pulling away because we can't start making out at the Cobra Kai dojo.

Once we pulled away though, I looked to the left and saw Tory.

And she was staring right back at me.

From the way we are looking at each other, I know she knows that I'm the one representing the girls in today's fight.

But she looked uneasy.

What's happening with her?

She looked like she didn't even want to be at the dojo. Which I thought was strange considering she is the champion. I thought she would've been more into this whole thing. But maybe I'm wrong.

I started doing simple stretches next to Eli before he faced forward.

He was looking at Kenny.

"I'm going against Kenny." He told me.

I put my hand on his shoulder. "You got this."

From what Eli had told me before, Kenny punched him in the face when we were at the water park. For what reason? I don't know. But Eli was able to get some sort of payback on him for the punch.

I swear, Cobra Kai plans attacks and thinks they don't need consequences.

Well, they're wrong.

They're completely wrong.

I'm sure Eli had a good reason to get payback at Kenny.

He told me the whole story when I was in Ohio. I was eating dinner when he told me what happened.

For the past two minutes, I was in my own thinking bubble that I didn't even realize that Eli had gone to talk to Robby.

I guess I got a bit distracted by what Eli once told me.

And before I knew it, it was time for Eli's fight. He's fighting first.

"Eli Moskowitz and Kenny Payne, please take the mat." The representative said.

I gave Eli one last kiss before he took his steps on the mat.

I was standing in between Sam and Robby as the match was about to begin.

They bowed to the referee before bowing to each other and then it was on.

Kenny went for a kick but Eli quickly moved out of the way and he easily blocked Kenny's punches before Kenny laid a kick to his side.

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