Chapter 34: No More Purple

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*Amy's P.O.V*

I'm at the dojo now and my uncle is standing on the sparring deck looking at all the kids who showed up to watch the fight.

I, on the other hand, wasn't paying much attention.

Other things were on my mind.

I've been waiting for Eli to text me back for hours.

He texted me saying that he wanted to ask me something important and he hasn't texted me back.

Is it not important now?

I sighed before I started to type another message.

Me: Eli, where are you?

Maybe in a few minutes, he'll send me a message.

I went to stand next to Sam and Miguel and they could see how worried I am.

"Amy, I'm sure he'll show up soon. It'll be okay." Sam assured me as she put her hand on my shoulder.

"What if something happened to him?" I asked them.

My voice is shaking because I'm so scared for him. I thought he would've been here already and he's not.

"If something happened to him then he can take care of it." Miguel said, "He's Hawk."

I really appreciate their assuring words but it wasn't making me feel better.

It just made me worry more.

When thinking about Eli, it made me think back to earlier today. When we had our first time together.

A moment so special, so passionate, so full of love.

A moment that took my breath away and made me want more.

What Eli and I shared together is something that'll always be special to the two of us.

I'll forever remember mine and Eli's first time.

It felt so magical.

And now when I'm at the dojo, I can't stop worrying because he isn't here.

"If he's not here by the time the fight is over then we'll go find him." Miguel said.

"Okay." I sighed.

Johnny then came to the dojo and had a talk with my uncle. I didn't know what they were saying because I can't hear them. But again, I'm not worried about that.

I went to check my phone for any messages from Eli and nothing.

I'm so worried for him.

The fight between Daniel and Johnny was literally about to happen.

Let's just get this match finished quick so that I can go and find Eli.

Miguel and Sam stood side by side with each other on the sparring deck holding flags.

"Face us." Miguel said. "Bow."

Johnny and Daniel did as they were told.

"Face each other." Sam said. "Bow."

Then they did it again but to each other.

They got into their fighting positions, determined.

"Ready?" Miguel asked.

"Fight." Sam then said.

Johnny threw a kick to Daniel's side but my uncle blocked it. He used his wax on and wax off technique on Johnny before Johnny was able to land a point to his torso.

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