Chapter 63: Pretty In Pink

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*Amy's P.O.V*

When I finished eating my breakfast this morning which consisted of a bagel and some scrambled eggs, I decided to color my hair again.

I decided that I'm not going to color it purple but a different color.

Of course, I miss my hair being purple. It's my favorite color so I knew that I was going to love it.

And yeah, it absolutely sucked when I made the decision to cut it off after what happened to Eli when he had his mohawk shaved off.

Again, I didn't have to cut my purple hair off but I did it because I knew how upset Eli became after what happened at the tattoo parlor and his attack by the Cobras had led to us breaking up as well.

So if anyone's getting blamed for that transpiring then it's Cobra Kai.

I told Eli about me coloring my hair again so he's coming over after I have it completed.

So I'm in the bathroom at the moment and I have the gloves over my hands as I look over the instructions.

I've colored my hair before - hence the purple - so I know what I'm doing.

I decided to color my hair, more likely the ends of my hair, a hot pink. I thought it would look really cool.

So beginning the first step, I squirted the color into my glove that covered my hand and then I just started to put it into my hair at the end of it.

Then I continued to do that process for the next while.

And if you're also wondering, I also had my hair bleached beforehand. I did it a couple of days ago so I could prepare to do the color part today.

When I finished putting the color into my hair, I had to wait about an hour before I could hop into the shower.

To pass time, I decided to watch an episode of Dawson's Creek.

I recently just got into the show and I love it. I also ship Joey and Pacey together, they're the superior couple. I'm just saying.

And when I say that I recently got into the show, I also mean Sam as well.

We were figuring out what to watch on the tv after dinner last week and we officially decided to watch Dawson's Creek. We watched the show while we ate some chocolate-sprinkled donuts from the donut shop.

We're pretty much hooked on the show.

Sam is with the girls today while Daniel is with Johnny, Chozen, and Amanda at the dealership.

You can already take a guess that Anthony is in his room, playing video games.

It's kind of a laid-back day.

But we will be getting back to the dojo pretty soon.

It absolutely amazes me that I decided to get back into karate with every intention of taking a break from the sport.

It became really rough after the tournament so I knew that there was a part of me that needed to take a break from the sport. I just needed to rethink everything and I did just that. But after Daniel got attacked, I knew that I couldn't stay back anymore.

I had to join the fight and try to put a stop to Cobra Kai.

Me losing at the tournament affected my family, my friends and pretty much everything.

Then you have the Cobra Kai students who are making everyone's life a living hell whenever they want to.

They think it's funny but it's not funny. It's not funny at all.

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