Chapter 44: My Right Way

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*Amy's P.O.V*

I was the first person of my dojo to have their quarterfinals match.

Daniel put his hand on my shoulder. "Just stay focused, Amy, you got this."

I smiled before walking towards the middle of the mat.

I heard my own dojo cheering for me and that made me feel better because I was a bit nervous.

The referee shouted fight and then it started.

My opponent threw the first punch but I blocked it with ease.

I kept blocking any punches or kicks that she was giving me before I accidentally left an opening and she was able to kick me in the torso.

I sighed in frustration.

But then I heard, "You got this, Amy."

Turning around, I saw Johnny clapping his hands and giving me encouragement.

Now I knew what I had to do.

I shifted my stance and got into fighting position again.

Then when the referee shouted fight, I struck first and didn't stop.

I threw every punch and kick I knew, and before I knew it, I leg swept my opponent before punching her in the torso.

It's now tied.

But it's not going to be tied for long.

The second point came to me after I kicked her in the face.

When it came to the third point, I combined both Miyagi-Do and Eagle Fang.

I used the drum technique that my uncle taught me but then sent a very aggressive kick to her torso after.

I smiled as I was appointed the winner.

When I went to my uncle, he started to talk, "What was that out there?"

"Eagle Fang."

"I don't want you fighting that way."

"This is my fight, not yours, so I'm going to fight how I want to." I told him.

My uncle sighed, "How you're fighting isn't the right way."

"It's my right way."

Nothing else was said as I went to stand next to Sam.

"What was that about?" She asked me.

"He doesn't approve me of fighting aggressively."

I saw Sam look at her dad and she had this look on her face. What is she thinking about?

Demetri ended up winning his quarterfinals match and then soon enough, it'll be Eli's turn.

While I was waiting for the fight to happen, I heard something.

"Your little friend's lucky he didn't have to face Cobra Kai. Can't say the same for you though, Lip."

Kyler said that to Eli.

"I'm gonna make you kiss that mat."

I rolled my eyes at what Kyler said before going to stand in front of Eli.

"Ignore him." I said, "He's always been a bully but that's not who you are."

"I don't know who I am these days." He said, his voice low.

"You're not defined by your haircut, you know. I mean, don't get me wrong, I loved it. I was really digging the purple actually but.." I started to say before I continued, "When I first met you on my first day of school, it wasn't your hair that made me like you. Your personality made me want to be around you all the time, your smile made me smile. Your overall kindness. You could've hated me since I was apart of Miyagi-Do but... you didn't. You fell for me and I fell for you. I also like your energy and your confidence."

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