Chapter 75: Under The Night Sky

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*Eli's P.O.V*

"Wait, you're serious?" Amy asked as she stared at me, her eyes widened.

"Very serious." I nodded.

I stand in front of her as I'm leaning against my motorbike, letting her know that this is what I have planned.

She most likely thinks that this is crazy. I wouldn't blame her one bit.

Amy hasn't been on a motorbike before and so I thought this would be the perfect opportunity for it to happen. It's a nice night out, especially with how the events went from earlier with Terry Silver getting arrested.

There's a slight breeze from the wind that puts cold air into your face but it feels so nice that it makes you smile when you feel it.

The setting is absolutely perfect for us to ride my motorbike.

"Is it safe?" She asked.

"I promise that I won't let anything bad happen to you."

After I said that, I grabbed one of the helmets and held it out for her.

She hesitated to grab it at first but then she did while saying, "I'm just not so sure about this."

"The roads aren't busy." I assured her, "Plus, when we're on it, I will drive it carefully so that we're okay."

I eyed her as she continued to have an unsure look on her face. She's completely thinking this over and wondering if she wants to do this or not.

I grabbed her hand. "Do you trust me?"

"Yeah, I do."

"Then please know that I won't let anything happen to you as long as we're riding this motorbike."

She gave me one last look before she took a glance at the motorbike that's behind me.

"Okay, yeah." She nodded. "I'm ready."

I smiled at her before I grabbed the helmet that's in her hands and I placed it on top of her head. I fastened the straps together to make sure that the helmet is secured before I did the same with my own helmet.

My hair will most likely get messed up but that's okay.

Amy likes seeing my hair down every once in a while.

After I had my own helmet on, I glanced at Amy. "Are you ready for a fun adventure?"

"Yes, sir."

I smiled at her before I got onto the motorbike first. Then once I was comfortable, Amy sat down on the motorbike behind me. She already knew what she needed to do, so she immediately wrapped her arms around me.

The motorbike started making noises as I started the engine before I looked back at her. "Hang on tight, spider monkey."

Amy tightened her grip on me before I kicked off and then started to drive onto the road.

The cool, breezy air immediately hit our faces. Even though it is summer, it could get a bit chilly at night. But I enjoy this weather because of how nice it feels.

As I've said earlier, the roads weren't that busy. There were a few cars but I was able to maneuver whenever possible and it went smoothly.

"This feels like I'm riding the back of Jacob Black's motorcycle." I heard Amy yell.

Her and her Twilight. I swear not that long ago, we watched the films together. And she gushed about Jacob Black.

But I let out a laugh at her comment. "It does feel like we're Jacob and Bella."

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