Chapter 5: Cousin Talk

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*Amy's P.O.V*

I entered my cousin's house after Hawk gave me a ride from school.

We both had exchanged numbers, and I couldn't wait to start texting him. He had me smiling today.

He's honestly a great guy, even though I have only met him today.

I was in the kitchen, and had grabbed a chocolate chip cookie for a snack when Sam came in.

"Oh, hey, you're back from school." She said.

"I am." I smiled and took a bite of the cookie.

"How was your first day?" She asked.

"It went well. I met some great people."

She nodded with a smile. "I'm glad. Plus, I wanna apologize for not being there the whole day. I thought I was ready. But I guess I wasn't. Being near those stairs brought back so much memories even though they occurred weeks ago."

"Don't worry about it, Sam." I shook my head. "I understand that it was traumatizing for you."

"Thank you for understanding, Amy."

I'm sure if I was in Sam's shoes, I would've felt the same way so I couldn't blame her.

Plus, I know how much Miguel means to her.

Sam grabbed a cookie as well before we both took a seat at the kitchen table.

"My dad is looking for Robby." Sam said first thing, catching me off guard.

"He is?" I asked, "How do you know?"

"He told me when I was at the dojo. He was surprised to see me out of school and then he asked me if Robby was with me. I told him no but he's still looking for him."

That's the thing about my uncle Daniel. He's so caring and wants the best for people. He wants to help people.

"I'm sure he's doing everything he can to find Robby. I just hope it goes well." I said, honestly.

And Sam agreed with me.

I only met Robby like once. It was when Sam and I were FaceTiming each other and he happened to be there when Sam and I were talking to each other. He was super nice to me.

But that's about it. It's not like we swapped numbers and texted each other.

Robby probably doesn't remember me being Sam's cousin.

"I just think all of us want Robby to be okay." Sam said as she finished her cookie.

"Yeah." I nodded.

Hopefully it goes smoothly when Daniel finds him.

After Sam and I had talked about that, it changed to another topic.

"So how did you get home?" Sam asked. "Since I know I was home and my parents were out of the house."

How do I tell her this? Will she be mad at me?

I'm nervous because I don't know how she'll react.

She hates Hawk enough already.

I couldn't lie to her. It wouldn't be right and if I did lie to her then she would just find out. I rather her find out from me than someone else.

"Umm.. Hawk gave me a ride." I said, nervously and not looking at her.

Sam had a look of confusion and disbelief. She was pretty shocked to hear that.

"Hawk from Cobra Kai?"

"Yeah..." I nodded.

I saw Sam place her hands on the table and she was moving them. It's kind of like a nervous habit she has.

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