Chapter 58: Cousin Jessica

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*Amy's P.O.V*

I've been in Ohio for the past two days. We've been staying at my aunt's mom's house, which would be our grandma's.

The three of us - Anthony, Sam, and I - have a shared room. Luckily for Anthony, he has his own bed while Sam and I share one but that's okay. We're not bothered by it at all.

Sam and I just end up watching movies with Anthony late at night.

At the moment, Anthony is playing Dungeon Lord on his laptop and I'm on my phone, texting Eli while Sam is watching something on Netflix.

We're in our own world right now.

Eli💙: We should have a Marvel movie marathon when you come back to the Valley.

Me: Can we watch the ones that have Spider-Man in them? I kinda have a thing for Tom Holland.

I have said that I love Iron-Man but Tom Holland as Spider-Man is also one of my favorite characters from the Marvel universe.

Eli💙: Tom Holland is lame...

Me: He's Spider-Man. He completely takes over the world.

Eli💙: What's so great about Tom Holland as Spider-Man?

Me: Have you seen him? He's hot.

Eli💙: Oh my gosh, this is reminding me of when you'll fangirl over Dally Winston from The Outsiders. Completely.

I laughed at his message. He hates it when I fangirl over Dally whenever we watch the movie but I've mentioned before that he finds it cute.

Me: You fangirl over Hermione whenever we watch Harry Potter.

Eli💙: We don't watch Harry Potter together. Who told you that?

Me: Demetri.

Demetri may or may not have mentioned that once we were talking about movies an awhile ago.

Eli and I always end up watching Marvel or Star Wars movies so it was brand new information to me.

Eli💙: Demetri? 😡 I'll have to have a talk with him for telling you that. But it's true, I do fangirl over her.

Me: Don't worry, babe. I find it cute.

Eli💙: Well then I guess I can say that you fangirling over Tom Holland is cute too.

Me: Even though I love Tom Holland, you'll always be my number one guy 🥰

And it's true. I love Eli so much.

Eli💙: And you're my number one girl 💕

I sent some kissy faces to him before Anthony started to talk about something.

"Do you guys miss being at home?" He asked.

I remember getting home from the water park days ago and then to find out from Amanda that we would be going to Ohio. I had to guess that something happened between her and Daniel and that was the reason why we weren't home right now.

"Yeah, I miss it." Sam said, "It feels weird not seeing dad. I hope he's doing okay."

"I'm sure he's doing fine." I said, but I felt a bit unsure.

A part of me thinks that he's having a miserable time without us. The only other person at our house is Chozen.

"I don't think he's doing fine." Anthony said, "He seemed super upset when we got into the car a few days ago."

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