Chapter 10: This School Sucks

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*Amy's P.O.V*

It was now P.E time. Which also meant soccer time.

I don't really feel like playing the game and I don't like soccer so I ended up joining Moon on the sidelines where we'll be cheering and watching people play.

I can see Sam with the rest of Miyagi-Do. She was currently talking to Demetri.

When lunchtime was over, I knew that Sam was still seething about what had happened in the cafeteria.

I would see the glares that she would send Hawk and I won't say anything.

It's hard with the position that I'm in.

I'm cousins with Sam but I'm also really attached to Hawk. Even though, I do see what he's been doing.

Of course, I think it's wrong.

Since I keep thinking that's not the same Hawk that I've met on my first day of school.

"Hey, Amy. Are you alright?" I heard Moon ask from beside me.

I shrugged. "I think so."

"What's on your mind?"

"This whole situation.." I started, "When I first met Hawk, he was so nice and kind to me. Then when I see something like him destroying Demetri's project, it almost pulls me back from everything. I'm finding it hard to believe that it's the same person I met."

Moon nodded which meant she completely understands what I'm telling her.

"I see where you're coming from, I do." She gave me a light smile.

"And of course, I think it was wrong for him to destroy Demetri's science project. I don't know how to deal with it." I explained.

Then I added, "he doesn't act that way when he's around me."

Moon put one of her hands on my shoulder. "It's like you're in the middle."

"If that's the case then I don't want to be."

"If Hawk has a different side to him when he's around you then it must mean something." She said.

That's something that I've been thinking about since the beach. Where he kind of admitted what I think he admitted.

But what do I do about this? How could I really understand Hawk's motives to messing with Miyagi-Do?

Does he even have a motive?

"I think he likes me." I said. "He told me when we were at the beach a few days ago."

"You'll figure it out, Amy." Moon said with a smile. "I have a feeling you like him too but you can also let him know when he's doing something wrong. If anything, I think he'll listen to you."

"You think so?" I asked.

She nodded. "I think he pays more attention to you so he'll be able to trust you with what you say."

Maybe Moon is right.

Hawk seems to trust me whenever he tells me anything. He opens up to me whenever he gets the chance.

I heard some noises coming from the side and I see Hawk and the rest of Cobra Kai walking down the soccer field.

Their whole vibe just screamed dangerous. It was like they were telling people to get out of their way without even saying anything.

But I'll admit though, Hawk looked really good in his P.E outfit.

So the game was Miyagi-Do vs Cobra Kai.

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