Chapter 30: Dojo Face Off

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*Amy's P.O.V*

"So let's take a shower and get ready." I said to Sam as we were back at home, in the kitchen. "Eli said he'll be here in an hour or so."

"I'll try to be quick. We're just finishing getting the glitter out." Sam nodded with a smile.

Before we even tried to start getting ready, Amanda came into the kitchen. "Hey girls, can I talk to you about something?"

"About what, mom?" Sam asked.

Amanda sighed. "I just wanted to tell you guys that I thought it was inappropriate about how you guys acted at the birthday party."

Sam and I were completely taken back by what Amanda said. Did she really just say that and accused us of something like that?

Is she for real?

I stared at my aunt. "What are you talking about?"

"Don't you guys think you were a bit harsh on Tory?" She asked. "I thought it was a bit out of line."

Sam scoffed. "You've gotta be kidding me. A bit out of line is her attacking me at the school, putting permanent scars on me, attacking me with nunchucks, and even kicking in our door and trashing our house. And what we did is out of line?"

"She was about to put permanent scars on me too." I inputted. "Unless you don't care about that?"

"Of course I care." Amanda said. "I'm just trying to get you guys to stop instigating things that don't need to be instigated."

"We didn't instigate anything." Sam raised her voice.

"That's not what I was seeing at the party."

Sam and I laughed, like actually laughed.

"We were normal people attending a party." I said, "We wanted to be kids for once so we joined in on story time and then we told Tory that she did a great job. It's not our fault that she can't accept a compliment."

I really thought Tory did a good job in story time. My favorite part is when Sam kept asking her questions, regarding the story even though it was about their rivalry.

"She's the one that got mad at us and then threw glitter on us." Sam said.

"You guys could've avoided making a scene."

"We weren't making a scene, we were having fun for once." I scoffed.

"I cannot believe that this is happening." Sam put her hands to the side. "We tried having a good time and then we're the ones getting yelled at. Instead of the psycho who threw glitter."

"Hey." Amanda raised her voice.

"We shouldn't be accused of something like this." I sighed.

"I'm not accusing you guys of anything. I just want you guys to get over this petty rivalry."

Amanda doesn't get it. She doesn't understand.

"You know nothing of this rivalry." I said.

I knew I was being harsh to my aunt but I don't care anymore.

"We're just fighting back, mom" Sam said, "And that won't stop."

Amanda sighed because she knew she wasn't winning this argument no matter what she tried to say.

"Why does this matter to you anyway?" I asked her before I followed Sam to our shared room.

As soon as we reached our room, Sam slammed the door.

"She really accused us of instigating something at the party." Sam rolled her eyes.

"I can't believe her." I laid down on my bed.

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