Chapter 38: Kata & Watermelons

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*Amy's P.O.V*

I finally dragged my ass to the dojo after it's been a week since the breakup. Well, a little over a week.

This is the first training day since the breakup pretty much.

We don't do this every day, my uncle gets busy with other stuff too.

I was with Sam and Demetri at the moment.

We were standing by the table that had all the weapons that would be used at the tournament if we decided to use them.

Demetri picked up the sais. "You realize by giving me these, you've dramatically increased my odds of being stabbed to death."

Sam grabbed the sais. "Believe me, I'd rather be training to fight Tory. We have to work on these skills if we wanna win the tournament."

"What about you, Amy?" Demetri asked. "What are you doing for the skill's competition?"

"I'm doing kata." I smiled a little.

Haven't had a genuine smile either since the breakup. It's still fresh in my mind and it's all I think about.

"I already know that you're going to do amazing." Sam smiled as she playfully punched my arm.

"Kata is what I'm best at." I smiled some more.

And again, it was a fake smile to cover up my pain.

When I turned to the side, I saw Eli coming out, wearing a Miyagi-Do gi.

I sighed when I looked at him.

I've heard about him joining the dojo from Sam at the last training that took place and I wasn't there.

Him and I are really on the same side now, we're in the same dojo.

I saw him take a glance at me and we were holding eye contact for a few seconds before I had to pull myself away.

Trust me, it was hard to pull away. I didn't want to.

Even though I'm still hurting from the breakup, my heart warmed up when I saw him.

He looked so cute in his Miyagi-Do gi.

A part of me wanted to go over to him and hug him but what will he do if I did?

I really want to be with him.

Does he still want to be with me?

At the moment, I can only hope that him and I get back together one day.

I went to the same deck that Sam and Demetri were at and then started my kata technique.

My uncle knew that I was going to be doing kata so he taught me some moves that can be added to my routine.

I've practiced part of the skill the past week when I'm alone and Daniel would help me at the home dojo.

And now I have more moves for the routine.

Taking a deep breath, I started.

I'll put my hands out when necessary when I took a step - whether that would be forward, backward, or to the side.

I'll wave my arms in the air when necessary.

I was in the zone.

I was so in the zone that I didn't even realize that everyone was watching me do my routine.

Even Sam and Demetri stopped their training.

"We definitely have a good shot at beating Cobra Kai in skills with Amy doing kata." Chris nodded with approval.

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