Chapter 8: You, Me, & the Beach

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*Amy's P.O.V*

Me: Hey, can I meet up with you somewhere?

I texted Hawk when I knew that I wasn't going to be busy all day.

It was a pretty laid back day which meant I can go and try to meet up with Hawk and talk to him about what happened with the car wash money.

And not just that but also beating up Nate.

It's weird because the Hawk that I met on my first day of school didn't seem like the guy that would do those things.

It seemed like it was a different person.

I wanna hear him out and see if he can give me a good explanation.

So I'm just waiting to see if he'll text me back while I'm sitting in the living room.

I've been at the dojo with the rest of Miyagi-Do and it feels nice to be back into karate.

I missed doing all of it.

I'm surprised we haven't gotten caught yet.

My uncle is still in Okinawa. Doing what, exactly? I don't know.

A buzz from my phone had stopped me from having thoughts.

Hawk🔥: Yeah, of course. Where?

What's a good place to meet someone at?

But then I figured it out.

Me: Let's meet at the beach.

It was simple and just somewhere where we can still make it private and people won't hear us.

Hawk🔥: Okay, sounds good. See you in ten minutes.

I didn't say anything else, I got up from where I was sitting and then was just about to head out the door until Anthony was right there.

"Where are you going?" He asked.

"I'm meeting up with a friend." I said.

"Is it a boy?"

I rolled my eyes. "Why does it matter?"

"I'm only looking out for you, Amy." He said.

"I'm older than you." I said. "I should be looking out for you."

"Then why aren't you?"

"I just started living here, you weirdo. I have to go now." I said and then opened the front door.

"Be safe." He yelled.

I didn't yell anything back to him. I got into the car that my uncle let me use while I'm living here.

Now it's time to head to the beach.


I arrived at the beach in less than ten minutes and parked. I actually was able to park next to Hawk's car because I was able to recognize it from when he gave me a ride home.

I got out of the car and started to walk where all the sand was.

It wasn't that hard to find Hawk because he literally stands out with his red mohawk.

He was sitting on a blanket that I guess he brought with him and I walked towards him.

When I was closer to him, he noticed me. "Hey, Amy."

"Hey." I said as I sat down next to him and we both looked out to watch the ocean that was in front of us.

Hawk had chose a spot where we weren't close to other people which was perfect because we need the privacy.

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