Chapter 64: Protect The Egg

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*Amy's P.O.V*

I arrived at the dojo for today's training.

Everyone seemed to have been here and they were just talking. Eli is standing with Miguel and Demetri and I knew that I had to immediately go over there.

I set my bag down next to Eli's before walking over to him.

He smiled once he saw me. "There's my princess."

I blushed at the nickname before he pulled me in for a quick kiss. I smiled and kissed him back before we pulled away.

"We're still here, you know." Demetri said as he pointed to himself and Miguel.

Eli playfully scoffed. "You act like you don't do that when I'm with you and Yasmine. You guys are always making out around me."

"I believe that." Miguel said and that made Demetri make a face.

"Well, I'm sorry." Demetri rolled his eyes but playfully.

"Don't worry too much about it, Demetri." I laughed.

"So are you ready to start training today?" Eli then asked me.

"Yeah." I nodded. "I'm ready to get back into it. It seems like it's been forever since I last did anything karate related but it's been about a month, I think. I don't know."

It seems like it's been forever, honestly.

The tournament had happened like ages ago even though, as I said, it seems like it's been about a month or so.

"We're all slowly getting back into it. It's not a bad thing." Miguel said.

"I'm lucky to be here at training today. Work has been kicking my ass even though I enjoy it." Demetri added in his own comment.

"At least you get a break from work." I said, "Then you can just focus on training."

"Yeah, true." Demetri nodded.

I looked in a direction and saw Sam and Anthony together. I should probably go over there before training begins because I have a feeling that we will be learning a lot of stuff today.

"Hey, I'm going to go over to my cousins and talk with them." I let Eli know.

He nodded. "Okay, sounds good. Do your thing."

I smiled and then planted a kiss on his cheek before walking over to my cousins.

"Hey, family." I smiled once I walked up to them.

"Hey, Amy." Sam said.

"What's going through your mind?" I asked Anthony.

"I don't know about this, Sam and Amy. Kenny's been training a lot longer than me. I don't think I can catch up." Anthony said.

"Look, I know you're still upset about what happened at the mall." Sam said.

"Kids are calling me shithead."

I sighed as I'm listening to what Anthony was saying. Just yesterday, I found out that Anthony got his head dunked into a toilet. That's the reason why Anthony wasn't home when Chozen talked to Eli and I at the home dojo.

Anthony must've been walking around town and then he runs into Cobra Kai.

Anthony had told Sam and I when I got back home from Eli's house.

"We're all dealing with Cobra Kai." I said, "You're not alone."

Sam and I started to stretch our legs to get ready for training because it's always important to stretch.

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