Chapter 49: The Order Of The Phoenix

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*Eli's P.O.V*

I left the home dojo that was at the LaRusso family's house and then got into my car.

Is it bad to say that a part of me felt heartbroken after she asked me to give her a few days of space? I know how upset she's been feeling since of what had happened at the tournament and I wanted to, in every way, cheer her up.

I tried my best to assure her that it's not her fault but she keeps thinking that it is.

What do I have to do to assure her that none of this is her fault?

There has to be a way.

With how I'm currently feeling, I knew that I didn't want to be alone. There's a certain place that I knew I could go to whenever I feel down.

Yes, I'm feeling a bit down because of what's happening. I just want my girlfriend to be happy. Is that too much to ask for?

And since I'm feeling down, I wanted to be somewhere else that's not home.

But first, I need to get food.

I quickly went to In-N-Out and grabbed two cheeseburger meals before heading to the destination that I wanted to be at.

Once I got there, I grabbed the food and left the car and walked up to the front porch.

I knocked on the door and waited. A few seconds went by before the door opened and there he was.

"Hey, man." Demetri smiled when he saw me.

I smiled back at him. "Hey, can I come in?"

"Of course, yeah." He said as he let me in and I walked into the house.

Walking into the house, I went into the kitchen to set the food down. "I have food for the both of us."

"This is a surprise."

Then Demetri started to look through the bags and pulled the food out of them. We each got a cheeseburger and fries.

I even made sure there were enough ketchup packets for the two of us.

"I thought In-N-Out sounded good." I said as I grabbed my food and then headed to the living room.

"You know I don't like eating in the living room." He said, "Ketchup can stain the rug."

I stayed silent as I started to eat my food. From behind me, I heard a sigh coming from Demetri before he came into the living room with his own food.

Then he looked at me and saw the sad look on my face.

"Are you okay, man?" Demetri asked me as we sat on the couch.

"I guess." I shrugged.

Demetri must've not liked my answer because a frown appeared on his face and he seemed worried too.

"Do you want to talk about it?" He then asked.

I took a bite out of my burger. "I don't know."

My mind was so occupied with thoughts of Amy. My heart broke when I saw how sad she was.

"Well, do you want to watch Harry Potter?"

"Not really, no."

I know, I'm surprised that I can turn down the famous wizard that everyone knows and loves but I'm just worried about my girlfriend.

Demetri ate some of his fries before he continued to talk, "So, what do you want to do?"

I'm having this insane battle in my head as I'm trying to decide if I wanted to ask Demetri a question.

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