Chapter 14: Guilt & Love

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*Hawk's P.O.V*

Amy stood still while staring back at me. She seemed shocked to have seen me show up at her house.

But she's the one person that I could think to go to.

I had all night to think about what happened yesterday.

And it's leaving me in a pool of my own tears.

"Hawk-" Amy begin to say before Sam was standing next to her.

"What are you doing here?" Sam glared at me.

"I need to talk to Amy." I said.

I can't even be mad right now. I'm too busy being mad at myself for the shit that I've done.

"You don't need to talk to her." Sam spat.

"Sam, it's okay." Amy stared back at her cousin.

"Are you sure?" Sam asked.

Amy nodded. "Yes."

Sam sent me one last glare before walking away and leaving Amy with myself.

"Let's go talk." Amy said.

The two of us walked to where my car was and we got in. I drove her to the one place that was perfect for us.

And that was the beach.

It might be our place.

But I can't just dodge what had happened. Especially since Amy was right. I didn't have to do it.

When we arrived at the beach, we sat far away from everyone else so that we can have privacy.

"I feel so guilty.." I started to say while tears were ready to fall from my face again. "I can't believe I did that to my own best friend."

It was an actual nightmare. A nightmare that I couldn't wake up from.

Every thought that I had was about what I did to Demetri.

And it was eating me alive.

I continued talking, "As soon as I got home, I cried and I couldn't stop. It was breaking my own heart just knowing that I did something like that to my best friend. I have so much guilt inside of me."

"I know that I have every right to be mad at you." Amy looked at me. "I couldn't believe you would do that either. It seemed like I couldn't recognize you. I know I only met you a few weeks ago but the Hawk I met on my first day of school seemed so different than the person I saw yesterday."

"I'm usually not that person." My voice cracked. "If anything, I'm not that person. I'm never violent."

"It's Cobra Kai."

I want to be offended but for once, I'm not. Amy's right. It's Cobra Kai. It's the dojo that's making me be this person.

"A part of me wants to leave. I just don't know how." I honestly said.

"There has to be a way." Amy said as she looked at the ocean in front of us.

There's always a way. Just what way?

It'll have to happen at the right time.

"Every time I think about what happened, it just makes me feel so much more guilty than before. The sound of his arm breaking vibrates in my brain. I can hear his cries, his pleas when he wanted me to not do it. I hear yours. Nothing is making me feel better and I just wanna yell at the world."

Without saying anything, Amy scooted a little closer to me and then gave me a hug.

I hugged her back and I let the tears come.

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