Chapter 46: The Finale

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*Amy's P.O.V*

We were now waiting for Miguel to return to the fight. I'm still surprised this happened. I wasn't expecting it and I know everyone else wasn't either.

Hopefully Miguel will be okay.

But for now, while we waited, we went to the other boys semifinal match.

It was Demetri versus Robby.

Robby just earned another point and Demetri came back to the Miyagi-Do side.

"All right." Daniel clapped.

"I had a hard enough time beating him when he was on the good side of the force. Now that he's gone all Sith, I feel like a helpless Jedi youngling about to get slaughtered." Demetri said.

"Okay, well, you're taller." Eli said, "You have the high ground. That's how Obi-Wan beat Anakin."

"All right, just remember your fundamentals, Demetri. Breathe in, breathe out, breathe through. You got this. Come on, Demetri." Daniel told him.

Demetri went back on the mat and he put up a good fight against Robby but then he ultimately lost.

After the match, it was time to finish the other semifinals match.

They started a countdown clock for when Miguel shows up.

We waited.

And waited.

Until, the buzzer went off and Miguel still wasn't on the mat.

What happened?

"Well, it looks like Miguel Diaz is not gonna fight." The host said, "Which means that the winner by default is Eli Moskowitz, who advanced to the final where he will face Robby Keene. The finals are up next."

Eli took a look at Daniel, Sam, and I.

I know that if he wanted to be in the finals, he wanted to be able to beat Miguel.

"We're both in the finals." I said to Eli as I watched Sam walk away to fill her water bottle.

Eli smiled. "It looks like it. Are you ready to win?"

"Yeah, I'm ready."

Then I said, "You're going to do a great job out there, Eli. I have faith in you that you'll bring home the win. You got this."

"I know that I'll do great because I have you in my corner."

His comment made me smile before we kissed each other. His hands were around my waist as my hands were on his chest. We pulled away after a few seconds before the finals began.

Then Sam came back to stand next to me.

"This is my chance to get back at Robby for what he did to me." Eli said.

"This fight is not about him. The biggest battle is always the one within. Okay, concentrate, defense, focus, power. You find your balance, and those points will come. All right?" Daniel said to Eli.

I watched Eli take his place onto the mat with Robby.

Then the fight started.

Robby went for a kick but Eli immediately blocked it. Then Eli went for a kick but Robby did the same thing that Eli had done and blocked it too. Robby then went for punches before Eli did a good job at blocking them and then Robby laid a punch on Eli's torso.

Eli called a time out before coming back to Daniel.

"He knows all my moves. He trained at Miyagi-Do way longer than me." Eli said.

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