Chapter 6: Miguel Diaz

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*Amy's P.O.V*

Hawk🔥: Hey there, Amy.

My phone finally beeped and there was a text message from Hawk. It's been a few days since we've exchanged numbers but at least he texted me when he had time.

Me: Hey Hawk. What's up?

Hawk🔥: Just finished training for the day. I have some other stuff to do today but I wanted to talk to you first.

His last sentence made me smile.

Me: You're so sweet 🥰

Hawk🔥: Thank you ❤️ what are you doing today, beautiful?

He's really hitting me with all the sweet words today.

Me: I have no plans at the moment. I'm sure Sam would want to do something later.

It's still early in the day so I could be busy with something in a bit.

Hawk🔥: We definitely have to hang out soon, like one on one. Maybe get some food or something.

Me: I would like that.

Sam had told me to not be anywhere near Hawk but the way she describes him isn't how I see him.

She calls him vile, ego-maniac, insane, and most of all, an asshole.

The Hawk I met on my first day of school isn't that guy at all.

Hawk🔥: Maybe we can even hang out at school. I'll try to come and hang out with you when there's free time. Or I could also offer you another car ride.

Me: I'm perfectly fine with anything, I just want to hang out with you.

Hawk🔥: I want to hang out with you too. Honestly, getting to know you at school was the best part of my day.

Me: You were the best part of that day for me too.

He had me smiling a lot when it was my first day at school.

Hawk🔥: You're definitely one of a kind, Amy. 💕

Me: And you're very cute 😍

He's very cute, I'll admit that.

Hawk🔥: Now you have me blushing. 🥰

Me: I'm glad, then.

After I sent that message, footsteps came into the living room and there was Sam.

"Hey." She said as she entered.

"Hey, what's up?" I asked her.

"Do you want to come with me to the store and to the hospital? I'm gonna go and visit Miguel today." She explained to me.

Miguel. THE Miguel that I've heard so much about while I used to live in New Jersey.

The Miguel Diaz.

And I've said before that him and I haven't met yet. This would be the first time we would meet each other.

"Yeah, I would love to come." I smiled.

She sent a smile back. "I'll go get the car ready."

When she went to go outside to get the car ready, I sent a quick message back to Hawk.

Me: Hey, I'm gonna run some errands with Sam. I'll talk to you later?

He immediately responded.

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