Chapter 54: Surprises From Eli

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*Amy's P.O.V*

After coming home from the spa and hanging out with Moon and Yasmine, Sam went to our shared room while I stayed in the living room eating a chicken sandwich while watching an episode of Friends.

The vision that I had was still fresh in my mind. It made me think that I should give up and quit karate.

A part of me wants to stop doing karate all together.

I thought after reading Mr. Miyagi's letter to me and having that talk with Eli, I wouldn't be feeling this way again. But then I have that vision at the spa and it's making me think about it again.

I'm so confused about what to do right now that it's not even funny.

Sam told me about her vision and she almost had the same vision as me.

She told me that her vision started with people coming to her and telling her who she is, and then she ended up in a fight. But it wasn't with Tory. It was with herself.

We're both trying to find our way.

It's just complicated right now.

Summer sucks at the moment.

I continued eating the chicken sandwich and watching Friends before I heard the front door being knocked on.

Who could that be? I wasn't expecting visitors today.

Standing up from the couch, I walked over to the front door and opened it to then see my handsome boyfriend on the other side.

"My day instantly just got better." I smiled, seeing him.

"Then I'm glad to be here." He said as he walked over to me and then gave me a hug.

His hugs always gave me a sense of warmth and it made me not want to let go of him. I can stay in his embrace forever.

But then we pulled away and I said, "I'm glad you're here too."

He smiled before he kissed me and I, of course, kissed him back and kept my own arms around him.

"It's cool if I stay here for a bit?" He asked once we pulled away.

"Of course, you're always welcome here."

I shut the front door once he came into the house and we sat on the couch in the living room.

We got settled on the couch before we heard footsteps coming and then there was Sam.

"Oh, hey, Eli." Sam said once she saw him.

"Hey, Sam." Eli greeted her back.

"Where are you going?" I asked her.

I see her dressed in shorts and a gray shirt. She also had shoes on which meant that she's going somewhere.

"I'm meeting Miguel at Miyagi-Do." She tells the both of us. "We're gonna talk."

My cousin was able to figure it out when we were at the spa. And I'm glad that she was able to figure it out.

Sitting next to Eli, I can feel him shift a bit but he didn't say anything.

"I hope the conversation goes well."

Sam nodded. "I'll let you know how it goes."

I gave her a nod and then Sam went out of the house, on her way to Miyagi-Do.

Now it's just Eli and myself in the living room, alone.

"I have a question to ask you.." I started to say, "Was Miguel with you at all when you were at the tattoo parlor with Demetri?"

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