Chapter 74: Chaos & Sweet Moments

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*Amy's P.O.V*

And the chaos had begun.

The whole dojo had erupted into a fight between the Miyagi-Do and Eagle Fang students versus the Cobra Kai students.

Punches and kicks were happening around the whole dojo. It was like a tornado tag match where everyone is fighting all at once and not stopping. Everyone is full of adrenaline.

Some of the Cobra Kai students hit me with punches or kicks but I didn't let it bother me. I kept going and feeling my blood rush inside of me.

I kicked a student of Cobra Kai before sending a kick to another student who was coming after me.

When another student came towards me, I wasn't quick enough and they sent a punch to my face. But that was all that happened before I blocked another punch coming my way and then grabbing his arm before kneeing him in the stomach.

Then I kicked him again because why not?

As I was fighting students, I saw Eli and Demetri come down the stairs. They were telling Miguel that they got the footage and I then saw Kyler push Eli and he fell to the ground, the tablet leaving his hands.

Then I saw Anthony having the tablet in his hands.

Sam and I were busy fighting other Cobra Kai students and the rest of the Miyagi-Fang dojo was protecting Anthony.

A punch came my way from another Cobra Kai student but I dodged it before kicking the student in the torso.

I flipped a student over my knee before kicking them on the side.

Then I legged sweep another student from underneath them before kicking a student in the stomach who was coming towards me.

After I sent a kick to another student, I heard someone letting out groans of pain.

I turned around and saw Tory on the ground as the female sensei had her foot on Tory's injured hand.

Tory and I, we're not buddies. But as I've said, we can work together to take down a common enemy.

"Tory!" I yelled before running over to help her.

I grabbed a hold of the female sensei and took her down before letting go of my grip and going over to Tory.

"Are you okay?" I asked her.

Side by side, Tory and I got into our fighting positions before Tory sent punches while I sent kicks that got blocked by the female sensei.

After the female sensei sent a kick to Tory's stomach, she sent a kick my way but I put my arm up to block it from hitting me.

Tory got taken down again and then I sent a kick to the sensei.

Then I got kicked and I let out a yell as I fell to the ground and then I got hit in the face by her damn ponytail.

Man, that shit hurts.

But then I looked forward and saw Anthony in trouble and panic became clear in my eyes as I saw it.

As I stood back up, Devon rushed over to where we were. She seemed to have a conversation with the female sensei before she said to me, "Go. Save your cousin. We got this."

I let out a breath before I ran over to Sam who was still fighting Cobra Kai students.

"Sam, we have to help Anthony. He's in trouble." I told her.

She nodded, determined. "Okay, let's go."

The two of us rushed over to our circle of friends and I stood in between Sam and Eli as we were still fighting off Cobra Kai students. I kept sending punches and kicks to whoever is getting near me. But after a few minutes, it was getting tiresome.

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