Chapter 12: And We Finally Meet

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*Amy's P.O.V*

I was at Miyagi-Do with the rest of the group and we were training at this moment.

Demetri just did a leg sweep on Chris.

"Good job, man." Chris said to Demetri.

"Good." Sam said with authority. "Again."

"We have to be ready to fight." I said as I watched on.

"What do you think you're doing?" We heard a voice.

Sam and I turned around to see Amanda standing there with Anthony right next to her.

"Would you believe.. study group?" Demetri asked.

"Go home. All of you." Amanda said. "Now!"

I sighed.

Sam and I walked to up to her mom.

"So what part of no more karate did you not understand?" Amanda asked Sam.

"Seems pretty straight forward." Anthony said.

I scoffed at Anthony's words.

"The part where you and dad think you can decide that for me."

"And me." I added.

Amanda shook her head at us. "Amy, we haven't talked about this with you yet."

"But you're doing it now." I eyed her.

I don't mean to be so forward with my aunt. But I know karate and I'm here to help my cousin. And also be there for her when there's trouble.

"They do pay the bills. As long as you're under their roof." Anthony said.

"What about school?" Amanda asked. "Principal Lopez called me. Think you can ignore their rules too?"

"What, the soccer game? That was nothing." Sam said.

"She's not wrong." I spoke up.

"Rules are rules." Amanda said.

I sighed once more. I wasn't even apart of the soccer game and I didn't get Saturday detention but I saw everything.

"It's not nothing, Sam. You could've gotten suspended again and maybe even Amy too." Amanda said.

"She wasn't apart of the soccer game." Sam said.

"I watched from the sidelines." I said.

"Thought you were smarter than that. Very disappointed in you." Anthony said.

Oh my god. Is he kidding me? He clearly doesn't understand what's going on right now.

"Go wait in the car, Anthony." Amanda said and he went to where the car was.

"Look, Sam, I don't know what's going on with you.." Amanda walked closer to Sam.

"No, you don't." Sam said. "If you really think karate is the problem here then you have not been paying attention."

Sam walked away after that and I followed her.

"Is that it with training?" I asked her.

"It looks like it." She sighed as we both got into the car.

She already started driving away from the dojo.

"My mom doesn't understand why we have to fight back. Cobra Kai is like way ahead of us and they're in control. We can't have that."

"Yeah." I nodded. "I know."

"Since we're already out of the house, want to get food?" Sam asked.

"Why not?"

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