Chapter 53: Expensive Jewelry

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*Eli's P.O.V*

"Do you think Amy will like the surprise?" Demetri asked me as we were on our way to the place where Demetri was taking us.

Miguel is here with us too.

"I hope she does." I said.

I wasn't lying when I was telling Amy earlier that I have a few surprises for her. One just happened before Miguel started telling Demetri and I about what's going on between him and Sam.

"She'll be so surprised." Demetri said with a smile.

I smiled too as Demetri continued to drive the car.

Miguel sat in the backseat, very quiet. He's really stressing out about what's happening.

"Miguel, you need to calm down." Demetri said, "The more you stress, the more you'll freak out."

"It's hard to stay calm after that.." He sighed. "I didn't even get an emoji from her."

"Maybe things will be okay." I said.

"And if things aren't okay?"

"You need to stay positive, man. Seriously." Demetri said.

"What would you guys be doing if you were in my shoes?" Miguel then asked us.

Demetri and I looked at each other.

What would I do if I got a text from Amy saying we needed to talk? I'm sure I'll be thinking a million things and then stress myself out. But I also know that I have to stay calm.

I can't make the situation worse if I keep trying to get everything out of her.

Sure, we'll talk it out and see what happens. But thankfully, Amy and I are in a good spot with our relationship.

Especially since we've gotten back together at the All Valley.

"I'm sure we'll both freak out but we have to just wait and talk it out with them." Demetri said.

"Don't you guys get emojis from your girlfriends?" He asked us.

"I get a bunch of emojis from Amy all the time." I said.

"Same here." Demetri nodded. "Yasmine tends to go overboard with the emojis sometimes but that's what I love about her."

"Amy and I like to be flirty." A small smirk appeared on my lips after I said that.

"Do you guys sext each other sometimes?" Demetri asked me.

"That's very personal.."

He gave me a look. "And?"

"I'm just telling you that the stuff that happens between Amy and I is personal and we want it to remain between us." I explained and that made him sigh.

"I sometimes tell you what happens between Yasmine and I."

"That's because it sometimes happens when I'm around you." I told him.

No, I'm not saying I've heard them have sex. But sometimes, we'll be watching a movie and then they're making out.

"That's.. partly true."

"Guys, can we get back to my problem?" Miguel piped up.

"Yeah, sure." Demetri nodded.

"What if she breaks up with me? How will I handle it?" Miguel continued to freak out.

"I've never been through a breakup before so this is Eli's question to answer." Demetri said as he looked at me as we were at a red light.

I've been through breakups before if it wasn't obvious.

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